
Build Your Virtual Infrastructure Skills

If you have experience performing basic administrative tasks within a Linux, Solaris, or Windows environment and want to build your virtual infrastructure skills, then you’ll want to attend VMware vCenter Configuration Manager for Virtual Infrastructure Management [V5.x].  This hands-on training course builds your skills with VMware® vCenter Configuration Manager™, providing you the knowledge to skillfully install and configure vCenter Configuration Manager, navigate the user interface, manage compliance, and perform administrative and configuration tasks against your virtual infrastructure.

The course is available around the world as an instructor led class such as June 10-12 in Bankok, Thailand or June 10-12 in Denver, Colorado, USA.  More classroom locations are available.

OR as a live online class, which has all the benefits of live instructor-interaction without requiring travel.  You can attend these English courses from anywhere:

OR for larger team training, you can request onsite training at your facility (log in required).  Sign up today and begin building your virtualization skills.