Customer Success VMware Customer Connect

VMware Customer Connect Success

VMware Customer Connect Success™ is the Digital Experience within VMware Customer Connect™ exclusively for our customers managed by the Customer Success teams. This includes customers who have VMware Success 360™, VMware Technical Adoption Management Services™ and those with complementary Customer Success Managers.

On-demand access to Success Plans

VMware Customer Connect Success allows our customers to have instant access to their Success Plans and collaborate with the VMware Customer Success Managers to achieve their desired business outcomes.  

VMware Customer Success Managers create the Success Plans in collaboration with the customers, add any Objectives and Tasks as per customers business goals and share it with the customers through VMware Customer Success Managers.

Once the customers log in, they will be able to access their Success Plans right from Customer Connect Homepage. Below is the view for a Non-VMware Success 360™ customer. The view highlights the current success plans and gives you a status of objectives and tasks completed, any overdue tasks, with the ability to click right into it.

Depending on the customer’s entitlement, a customer with VMware Success 360 will have the below customized view on Customer Connect Homepage. Apart from displaying the objectives and tasks completed and overdue tasks, it would also provide the customer with the ability to contact VMware Success 360 contact, dive into the rich catalog of Accelerators and request any customer workshop through the newly added feature – Expert-on-Demand Accelerators.

A customer Success Plan is an online resource that outlines the specific actions and strategies to help our customers successfully use VMware products and services. The plan includes objectives and tasks, owners, due dates, and mutually agreed-upon metrics that keeps teams accountable and tracks progress towards achieving the desired business outcomes. It is a living document that is continuously updated as our customers make progress towards their strategic goals. The Success Plan can also include certain Accelerators in the form of documentation and webinars which can help customers with their adoption and use of VMware products.

VMware Customer Connect Success also allows our customers to grant Success Plan access to members of their organization who are essential to achieving their objectives. 

Our VMware Success 360 customers, as part of their entitlement, can access additional features and resources right from within VMware Customer Connect Success which accelerates their journey towards achieving their goals.

What is VMware Success 360?

VMware Success 360 is VMware’s comprehensive success offering that guides customer through all the stages of their journey with VMware solutions. It provides a consistent way of working with VMware that helps customers continually realize value and achieve outcomes faster from their investments. The core components include Technical Adoption Management, Accelerators, Digital Learning, and Prioritized and Proactive Support. 

VMware Success 360 Standard edition customers can create and manage Success Plans on their own by leveraging Success Pathways and get assistance as needed from the Technical Adoption Management Success Desk. Advanced and Enterprise edition customers also use VMware Customer Connect Success to access their Success Plans, track their progress, and access the rich Accelerator and Success Pathway resources, they do so through a more hand-on guided experience from their Technical Adoption Manager.

Success Pathways are pre-defined steps that a customer may take to achieve a desired outcome or use case. They are composed of tasks which contain Accelerators and Digital Learning resources to help customers with the deployment, adoption, and optimization of a particular VMware product, outcome or use case. Check out the blog series on VMware Success 360 Success Pathways to learn more. 

Below is the view for a VMware Success 360 Standard edition customer who can use the Success Plan Builder to leverage Success Pathways and add them to their Success Plan.

The Accelerator Catalog provides a rich catalog of accelerators which includes online webinars, access to guided workshops and Hands-On labs for different VMware products and solutions. Recent introduction of the Expert-on-Demand Accelerator allows VMware Success 360 customers to receive flexible assistance from a VMware subject matter expert for their ad-hoc needs around installation and configuration for a variety of VMware products.

Below, you can see the Accelerator Catalog and the Expert-on-Demand Accelerator views for VMware Success 360 customers.

Ready to get started?

Contact your VMware Sales Representative to learn how your organization can benefit from VMware’s Customer Success offerings.