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Customer Success Technical Adoption Manager (TAM)

TAM Health Check Reports Powered by Skyline

Thousands of customers trust VMware Technical Account Management Services to accelerate time to value, optimize operations and keep pace with technology innovation. Technical Account Managers (TAMs) who deliver services rely upon Health Check Reports and insights gathered by VMware Skyline to help customers optimize environmental health and efficiency.

TAM Health Check reporting is now powered by VMware Skyline Advisor Pro, a SaaS offering that helps customers like you maximize uptime and sidestep obstacles before they even cross your path. Skyline’s proactive intelligence alerts you to potential issues in your IT environment, so you can avoid problems and costly downtime. The integration of TAM Health Check Reports allows TAMs to gather environmental data automatically.

The TAM Health Check Reports examine the VMware infrastructure that supports an organization’s global production environment. TAMs validate technical consistency, examine best practices and identify areas where potential system degradation and bottlenecks can affect system health. The TAM Health Check Report identifies gaps in current practices and areas of concern. The report also provides remediation recommendations based on best practices.

Landing page: TAM Health Check Report Powered by Skyline

Health Check Reports have numerous customer benefits, including:

  • Time savings: Skyline Advisor Pro automates and consolidates reports, meaning there’s no need for manual data collection or multiple tools. The Health Check Report arrives on a pre-determined schedule.
  • Integrated reporting: TAMs deliver Health Check Reports in Skyline Advisor Pro for a single source of truth.
  • Holistic view: Health Check Reports provide visibility across VMware teams for proactive issue avoidance.
Video: Viewing TAM Health Check Reports Powered by Skyline

TAM customers are eagerly anticipating the new TAM Health Check Reports powered by Skyline and TAMs are excited about the possibilities, too. TAMs look forward to continuing their partnership with customers to help them realize the most value from their VMware investments, optimize operations, reduce cost and achieve their desired outcomes.