Professional Services

Multi-site Private Cloud Speeds New Product Introductions for Insurance Company

In the highly competitive insurance industry, time to market for new products is critical. A Taiwanese life insurance company needed to develop and introduce new products faster and more efficiently. That means developing apps faster. However, they used OpenShift with public cloud and had high infrastructure and development costs.

The company needed a new, resilient private cloud that was easier and less expensive to maintain. They chose to move to VMware Cloud Foundation® (VCF) and VMware Tanzu® with Kubernetes Grid, which provides multi-cluster functionality advantageous to the insurance industry. Multi-clustering is important because it provides dynamic cluster provisioning and offers logical segregation for the workload simultaneously. Such a character is perfectly suitable for core insurance systems to develop short-term business systems and separate them from long-term ones.

Building a private cloud with VMware Professional Services

Because apps are the heart of the insurance system, there’s no room for errors. The customer engaged its long-term partner, VMware Professional Services, to architect and deploy their VMware private cloud. The company valued VMware Professional Services’ VCF product knowledge and Kubernetes expertise and knew they would do the work right.


VMware Professional Services deployed VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. The solution allows the customer to utilize a multi-cluster feature to house their various health insurance apps. With automation, the customer can create a new cluster in less than 15 minutes.

VMware Professional Services also enabled an active-active data center to ensure no interruptions to any core insurance services and built a dashboard for real-time monitoring. Knowledge transfer workshops have enabled the customer to take ownership of managing their new environment.

The customer also has two Technical Adoption Managers (TAMs) who counsel the customer on VMware best practices and system hardening.

Achieving time to value with VMware Cloud Foundation in six months

Within six months of the project’s start, the customers’ testing environment was ready for application development, testing, and validation. Within the following six months, the production and disaster recovery site were ready to go live.

The customer now has a flexible, resilient cloud platform to introduce new products quickly. Operational complexity has decreased, and they have more control over system management. With a one-touch automated deployment of the new insurance system environment, they can scale the core system on demand.

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