Professional Services

Get to VMware Cloud Foundation Faster with VMware Pro Cloud Services

Public clouds have upped the ante when it comes to what we expect from private cloud solutions. Our smartphones and fast access to public cloud resources have conditioned us to expect instant access to what we need when we need it.  Anything less feels antiquated and cumbersome, leaving your business users frustrated and disenchanted. To meet these heightened expectations, you need to get your VMware Cloud Foundation up, running, and integrated into your ecosystem quickly to deliver a public cloud experience on-premises.

You may be thinking that your IT team possesses the necessary skills to get this done. In our experience, even if you have a tech savvy team most of them are already over-subscribed and don’t have the deep technical knowledge and experience to successfully accomplish cloud initiatives on their own. Often those who take the “build it yourself” route end up not succeeding, fall short of their objectives, or give up entirely because they realize it’s beyond their team’s skillset or other priorities take over. The repercussions are unrealized value and a negative image with stakeholders due to unfulfilled expectations. IT leaders who are afforded a second chance or recognize there’s a better way to begin with often turn to VCF Professional Services.

So, avoid the missteps others have made and de-risk your cloud initiatives – go with the experts who live and breathe VMware Cloud Foundation all day, every day.  Our consultants aren’t just well-versed in your industry; they’ve got the hands-on experience to design, deliver, configure, and integrate VMware Cloud Foundation into your existing ecosystem for fast, reliable results.

Formula for Success

Our Pro Cloud Services can help you deliver the public cloud experience your business stakeholders are expecting. We developed Pro Cloud Services to provide consistent, predictable, and reliable solutions in the fastest time possible. They are based on VMware Validated Solutions combined with the best practices that we developed from working in hundreds of cloud engagements. The result is a set of pre-packaged services aligned to common use cases.

Pre-packaged service offerings support common customer use cases

Our Pro Cloud Services architect, deploy, configure, integrate, and operationalize VMware Cloud Foundation to deliver a private cloud that supports your IT and business objectives.

Integrating VMware Cloud Foundation with your existing ecosystem is key

No VMware Cloud Foundation stands in isolation. It’s part of a larger ecosystem which is why our Pro Cloud Services include operational assistance for integrating with your existing processes and third-party solutions. We help you define a new cloud operating model and share our knowledge with your team so they can manage the environment after we’ve gone.

Get assistance with advanced operations

Once VMware Cloud Foundation is built and integrated into your environment, our Extended Expert Services are a great way to augment your IT team with additional hands-on assistance. These services can help you define and deliver advanced cloud capabilities to further tailor your private cloud solution as well as assist with day-2 operations, scaling, and upgrades. Designed with flexibility in mind, you can choose from a single expert or a team of experts for varying engagement lengths.

Not sure how to get started?

Jumpstart Workshops can help you get started. They are complementary to qualifying VMware Cloud Foundation customers and are also available as fee-based services. They start with an assessment of your current cloud capabilities and end with a conceptual architecture and adoption recommendations to get you to your private cloud solution.

To learn more about how VCF Professional Services can help your organization contact your VMware Sales Representative.