Professional Services

Owning Your Power: International Women’s Month Feature on Belu de Arbelaiz 

Belu de Arbelaiz is no stranger to embracing change, challenge, and, most importantly, collaboration. 

The Senior Product Line Marketing Manager started her career as an industrial engineer but began to wonder whether it was the right job for her. She switched her focus to tech and pursued her master’s in business administration (MBA) to facilitate the transition. 

After a 3-month internship in Product Marketing, Belu knew she wanted to grow and develop her previously acquired engineering, business, and creative skills to grow in this role and pursue this career path. She joined VMware’s Data Protection Product Marketing team in November 2020 to drive GTM for a newly acquired product in which the company had recently invested. Here, she discovered how the collaborative, driven culture of her teammates and leaders at VMware empowered her to shine. She’s now a fierce advocate for VMware customers and has also engaged in multiple initiatives to empower other aspiring women and individuals from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue careers in tech. 

Beginning a new journey

Eight years ago, Belu found herself at a crossroads — she could continue her career in engineering, which did not completely fulfill her aspirations, or make a change and embark on a new career path. 

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Never one to shy away from a challenge, she picked the latter. 

She reflected deeply on her career ambitions and interests, choosing tech because of its potential to create powerful change. She applied to MBA programs that would support her tech journey and eventually left her native Buenos Aires, Argentina, to pursue a full-time MBA program at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. 

The university’s proximity to Silicon Valley was a significant factor in her decision, and it paid off when the time came to find a tech internship at the midway point of her program. She landed a Product Marketing Manager internship, her first experience in the product field.

“I immediately fell in love with Product Marketing because it brings together the technical side of the technology we’re building and a more human understanding of the key challenges our customers face, with a sprinkle of creativity,” she said. “Even though my background is mostly technical, I’ve always looked for opportunities where I could apply my creative and human skills within the technology space. For me, that was the ideal combination that made me choose Product Marketing as my career path and also what helped me excel.”

She landed her first full-time Product Marketing role after graduation, specializing in data protection products. Her data protection expertise later led to an offer from VMware’s Cloud Disaster Recovery Team, which she was thrilled to accept in November 2020. 

Her manager, Yoomi Hong, is glad that she did. “It has been fantastic to see Belu’s growth over the years at VMware. At VMware, the product marketing role encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that require the individual to be a strong communicator, technical, strategic and collaborative. Belu has become an exceptional product marketer by developing herself in all of these areas.”

A high-powered partnership  

When she first joined VMware, Belu wanted to start building relationships with colleagues and customers — which are crucial to effective Product Marketing — right away. However, she knew it would be challenging to establish these critical foundations since it was the height of the pandemic. 

“It was important to get outside my comfort zone to build these relationships at work, which are essential for your success in Product Marketing because we never work alone. You always rely on so many other stakeholders to execute your job.”

Though it required plenty of energy, dedication, and purpose, Belu discovered that VMware’s synergistic culture made it easier than expected to form meaningful connections. “I found myself surrounded by people who are passionate about what they do and are very experienced, smart, and driven,” she recalled. 

Her commitment to the team has been noticed! “Belu has clearly demonstrated her impact for our team, both in terms of the business areas she owns but also in contributing to the positive thriving work environment. From the start, she brought an eagerness to learn, openness to coaching, and a collaborative spirit.”, shared Mark Chuang, Product Marketing Director, for VMware Cloud Foundation.

Even now, the passion and dedication to excellence amongst her teammates and leaders continue to motivate her to come to work every day, continue developing her skills in Product Marketing, and be at the forefront of the groundbreaking innovations her product has delivered over the last three and a half years. Throughout the recent transition at VMware, her team members have leaned on one another and set high standards to continue delivering the best products and services to their customers, something she is incredibly grateful for.

Belu has seen her team’s hard work come to fruition at industry events and conferences, where she meets countless people who are passionate about VMware’s mission and solutions. Since she joined VMware, she’s been dedicated to educating VMware customers and technology partners on the latest technology trends and innovations in the data protection space.

“It’s getting that human energy in the room and seeing all these people who are genuinely interested in what we’re doing, asking questions, and looking to solve the tough challenges their organizations face. When we get to have these one-on-one conversations with the product users and customers, it’s incredibly rewarding because you see all the work you’ve done over a long period of time come together to actually help them succeed.” 

Breaking barriers  

Another rewarding part of Belu’s journey thus far has been establishing herself as a respected tech professional and team member despite the numerous challenges women in tech face. 

“Probably every woman in tech will say that they have experienced situations where they felt discredited, they felt like their voices didn’t count the same way, or they felt slightly overpowered by male presence within their teams. I have always focused on delivering the highest quality of work that I can, regardless of my gender, ethnicity, or nationality. How you see yourself impacts the way other people perceive you, so remind yourself of what you’re worth and don’t second guess your ability to make meaningful contributions to the team.” she emphasized. 

One of her mottos is never to allow the fear of saying the wrong thing to prevent you from having strong opinions and doing what is ultimately right for your product, customers, and organization. Belu also strongly believes in the Haas School of Business Defining Principles, which encourage students to be “students always” and to always embody “confidence without attitude,” two mottos she has fiercely worked to embrace at every stage of her Product Marketing career. 

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Her advice to all aspiring tech professionals is to develop a thick skin, don’t doubt the value they bring to the table, question the status quo, and thrive in the fast-paced, sometimes unpredictable world of technology. 

Belu also encourages women and those from other underrepresented communities to embrace their identities, own their space, and always remember that they deserve the opportunities they have. 

“It is possible to have a voice within your product and your team,” she said. “Not necessarily relying on many years of experience but trusting in your ability to deliver based on the education you received and not being afraid to fail. Stepping outside your comfort zone immediately exposes you to the risk of failing, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know. The people who win are the ones who think they can.”

Belu’s encouragement resonates deeply, drawing from her own journey in the tech industry. Starting without prior experience, she now finds herself crafting executive presentations, closely collaborating with industry analysts, and shaping the product messaging and positioning for some of VMware’s most well-known products. Her path, though challenging, proves immensely rewarding—a testament to the value of owning your power.

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In addition to making a difference in tech, Belu enjoys trying new foods from different cultures, cooking, practicing yoga, and skiing when the weather allows. Like Product Marketing, these hobbies have given her plenty of opportunities to grow and learn, which she greatly enjoys. 

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