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Professional Services

Datacom Builds VMware Sovereign Cloud with VMware Professional Services

Datacom works with governments and businesses across New Zealand and Australia to transform their ideas into reality with sustainable technology solutions. As Australia’s leading locally owned infrastructure and cloud service provider, Datacom’s work with customers and partners provides unique insight into market trends and industry needs.

To meet rapidly changing customer requirements, Datacom wanted to realize a solution that delivers the benefits of the public cloud combined with the security and performance expected within a sovereign cloud environment. The company runs critical workloads and applications for government agencies, so providing a platform for customers and companies requiring they keep data in a sovereign state is essential.

“To give our government customers with very restricted environments a platform where they can innovate and use modern technologies while remaining within that national boundary and guarantee data sovereignty is vitally important,” says Darren Hopper, Associate Director, Datacom Cloud.

Partnering with a trusted expert accelerates Datacom Cloud X launch

After seeking customer feedback on the future of its cloud services strategy, Datacom launched a strategic initiative to build a new modern hybrid cloud platform. The company decided to standardize its shared platform on VMware Cloud Foundation™ to deliver new products quickly and reduce operational complexity.

Datacom chose its longtime partner, VMware Professional Services, to collaborate and co-create Datacom Cloud X – a hybrid cloud platform where private cloud security and performance universally intersect with public cloud features and scale.1

“VMware Professional Services know and understand the VMware products and portfolio in incredibly deep detail, so being able to leverage that was a massive benefit to us in this engagement,” says Jon Waite, General Manager Cloud Technology, Datacom Cloud.

With VMware Professional Service’s support, Datacom rapidly increased the time to market for its Datacom Cloud X solution, a hybrid by-design sovereign cloud platform.
“One of the key things that the Professional Services team was able to do was rapidly increase the time in which we were able to take Cloud X to market,” says Hopper. “We believe that we were able to take the product to market about nine months quicker than we would without engaging with VMware Professional Services.”

View the Datacom video to learn about Datacom’s insight into key cloud trends and the collaboration with VMware Professional Services. You can also view Jon Waite from Datacom VMware Explore US Session, A Customer Journey to Modernizing Their Cloud Using Datacom Sovereign Cloud Services – Session 2016 for more information.

Lori Jones is a product marketing manager within the VMware Customer Experience and Success organization specializing in marketing and content strategy and writing.

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  1. Datacom case study