VMware Success 360 Customer Success

Success Planning: A Deep Dive Into the Why and How

Many organizations experience obstacles when adopting technology. They often don’t have the right resources or they have the resources but their IT teams lack key skills. The result is that 65% of organizations are not maximizing the value of their technology investments. We built VMware Success 360™ to provide a mix of resources and technical guidance to help you efficiently get the most value out of your technology investments. VMware Success 360 is a comprehensive success offering that guides you through all stages of your journey with VMware technology. Success Planning is a core component that lays the groundwork to help you achieve your desired business and IT outcomes.

Success Planning

Achieving the expected outcomes from technology investments requires identifying the best routes, avoiding roadblocks, monitoring, measuring and adjusting based on those metrics. Success requires that both you and VMware have a laser focus on your desired goals and knowledge of the best steps to meet them. Your Customer Success team will partner with you from the moment you onboard to document desired outcomes and map the optimal route with mutually agreed on technical activities, milestones and owners.


The best-made plans begin with a conversation. The discovery process gathers a wealth of information about your team, company, business objectives and more. No person or team will understand everything, however each will hold a viewpoint. We hold a series of persona-based discovery sessions to gather information and encourage focused discussion around your goals. A series of focused persona-based discussions also ensures efficient use of people’s time.

The goal of Business Strategy Discovery is to understand the goals, ambitions and business outcomes you are aiming to achieve. The best way to build your Success Plan is with a deep understanding of your values, goals and purpose. Understanding the WHY behind your IT.

Service Management Discovery is designed to build from your WHY and understand WHAT your IT systems need to deliver. Here, our goal is to understand your service model, service definition and service qualities. The service qualities are key performance indicators (KPIs), service level agreements (SLAs), objectives (SLOs) and indicators (SLIs). The metrics used for the service qualities typically overlap into the application and infrastructure discovery sessions.

Enterprise business applications are the drivers of business value and income generation. Business application development and information systems teams can be integrated with or separate from infrastructure and platform teams. To cater for this, Application Architecture Discovery is separated from the Infrastructure Architecture Discovery. The goal of both is to get a deep understanding of your current state, in-flight service improvements and transformation initiatives. Understanding HOW your IT systems will be delivered.

Success Pathway

Once discovery is complete, we will have a clear and common understanding of the current state and the vision of a future state. We can then begin to build a Success Pathway. This is a pre-defined path to success built by VMware experts to address the most common challenges across VMware product lines. A Success Pathway will be comprised of resources and engagements to help you overcome these challenges. The App and Cloud Modernization Framework below describes our methodology for executing transformation.

The discovery and transformation methodology allows us to jointly explore the transformation pathway between the two states. Regardless of where you are on your transformation journey, we will meet you there and move forward together. This Success Pathway will help you realize your short-term, medium-term and long-term transformation goals.

While each customer’s Success Pathway is unique, customers typically have similar needs in similar areas. Packages of Adoption Guidance and Workshops paired with Digital Learning make up a Success Pathway that provides enablement in the most common areas. A Success Pathway can contain these prescriptive enablement components and can be complemented by customized VMware Success 360 Architectural Services or Professional Services Consulting.

Learn more about Success Pathways and Adoption Guidance and Workshops in this blog

People and process discovery

Workforce skills gaps can be an obstacle to adopting new technology or using a product capability to its fullest extent. Building from our understanding of the outcomes, we can perform a Knowledge Skills Assessment (KSA). The KSA helps identify gaps in technology skills within your IT organization. A tailored enablement plan can be integrated in the Success Plan to ensure you have the right workforce skills at the right time. A tailored enablement plan can be included in the Success Pathway to ensure you have the right skills at the right time.

Engagement lifecycle

New business opportunities and challenges continually arise and Success Planning is designed to be flexible to meet these natural changes. The path to success is a continuum, and we look to continually evaluate and understand your outcomes and adjust your personal journey to maximize your success. This can continually be scaled up or down based on the technology you are adopting and the speed and routes you want to take in your journey.

To learn more about VMware Success 360 and how Success Planning can help guide you through every stage in your VMware journey, visit the VMware Success 360 homepage.