
Further Improvements in the VCAP Deployment Exams


This past year, we’ve begun to share some of our behind-the-scenes work that have an impact on improving your testing experience (such as the blogs on time extensions and benefits of the new beta process). In that spirit, here’s something else we’re rolling out that’ll make the VCAP lab exam experience better and the interface easier to work in.

Today, candidates who register for a VCAP Deployment exam receive information about the current interface, which describes ways to work around lower resolutions and non-functional keys, which were necessary to maintain the security required by the browser.

Good news…most of those limitations have been resolved!

For 2018, Pearson VUE is deploying a new version of a driver that better supports the VMware lab exams. This driver allows higher screen resolutions and enables additional keystrokes:

  • Screen resolution, formerly set at 1024 x 768, is now set at 1280 x 1024.
  • The following keystrokes are enabled:
    • Ctl + Alt (Escapes Console Windows when using VMware Remote Console)
    • Alt + F1 (Login directly to ESXI console)
    • Alt + F2 (Exit direct ESXI console access)
    • F2 (Customize System / View Logs / Shutdown Host)
    • F11 (Restarts Host)
    • F12 (Shutdown / Restart)

We continue to work on overall improvements in test delivery, and these recent changes will positively affect the way our candidates complete these exams and lead to a better, more efficient experience in completing all the required tasks in the exam.