
The Cloud Architect: Change Champion for the New IT

By Rohan Kalra

RohanKalra-crop“What direction should I take my career with all the changes happening in IT?”

I get this question a lot when working with my clients’ IT teams. The old way of doing things needs to change for the new IT. From an IT operating model standpoint, that means becoming more service-focused. And that’s not all that’s changing—roles within the IT organization are, too.

As practitioners, we need to adapt. For me, it’s always much more fun to be the change champion, imagining how things could be done differently and in completely new ways, than to get left behind in the old world.

I discuss adapting to be a cloud architect in this short video below. There’s also an infographic that ran earlier in this blog that you might be interested in—The Forecast Is Sunny for Cloud Careers—with stats on what’s driving demand for IT professionals with cloud-related skills.

I’d be interested in hearing from you—@kalrarohan.

Rohan Kalra is an operations architect with the VMware Operations Transformation global practice. Follow him on Twitter @kalrarohan