
Join Us For a Software-Defined Data Center Twitter Chat on June 27th 8am &11am PST

Author: Rob Jenkins, Director VMware Accelerate Advisory Services EMEA

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the software-defined data center (SDDC) as it relates to financial services, information security, and emerging IT cloud careers.  As the Accelerate team meets with customers, we find that there are still many questions around how this infrastructure will eventually transform IT from the traditional model to one focused on business agility. And their business issues range from how to drive down cost and streamline their IT organization to be more efficient and responsive, to managing expectations of internal IT business stakeholders.

So, we’re pleased to announce a Twitter Chat around this topic—to hear what others in the industry are thinking and to provide our insight.

Please share this information with your teams, and I look forward to an open dialogue at the chat.  (You can find me on Twitter here @cloud_rob)

HOSTS: VMware Events (@VMwareEvents) and IDG (@IDGtechtalk)

WHAT: Live Twitter Chat on Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC)

WHEN: June 27, 2013, 8-8:30a and 11a-12p PT (3p & 6p GMT)

WHERE: Twitter or any Twitter client, recommend using Twubs

Hashtag: #vSDDCchat

Mark it on your calendar!

Download the white paper: Catching the Tide: IT as a Service (ITaaS)


More Details on Twitter Chats: 

What is #vSDDCchat?

#vSDDCchat is an online Twitter Chat scheduled on June 27, 2013 at 8a & 11a PT (3p & 6p GMT). The topic is the software-defined data center (SDDC), and everyone is welcome to join.

What are some sample questions that will be posed during #vSDDCchat?

  • “What are the core technologies that enable SDDC?”
  • “As an IT professional, what is your opinion of SDDC?”
  • “What is the biggest challenge or misunderstanding about SDDC?”
  • “Will SDDC change the role of IT in your organization?  If so, how and why?”

…and more!

How do I participate in #vSDDCchat?

Is this your first time participating in a Twitter Chat? You can use Twubs to help you easily follow the conversation.  Enter in our hashtag #vSDDCchat to see only this specific chat stream (after signing in, it will ask you to authorize Twubs to use your Twitter account).  Then you’re ready to go and can post your thoughts in the text bar to be added to the action.  If you’re a more advanced Twitter user, you can also use tools like HootSuite, TweetDeck, or TweetGrid to filter for all posts marked #vSDDCchat.

If you’re planning to take part through just the standard Twitter site, please remember to add the hash #vSDDCchat to all of your tweets so your comments aren’t overlooked.

Get ready! It’s a fast-paced conversation with 140 characters or less at a time. Every 10 minutes the moderator will pose a new question. It’s not necessary for you to answer/comment on every question, but it’s a terrific way to get a variety of perspectives and to keep the conversation moving. 

Technical Steps for Participation 

  1. Your first tweet should include your name, title, company you work for, and hashtag #vSDDCchat
  2. Subsequent tweets should start with the question number you are responding to and include the #vSDDCchat hashtag. For example, “@VMwareEvents A2: Agreed, SDDC is actually an architecture and not just one product #vSDDCchat
  3. Be yourself and please don’t push your product during the conversation.
  4. Use common sense and don’t say things that might come back to hurt you or your business.
  5. Be nice to your fellow tweeters.

Chat Tips

  1. Don’t worry about catching and reading every tweet—find the ones that speak to you and go from there.
  2. Remember that your tweets go to all your Twitter followers unless you DM someone (to DM someone, they have to be following you).
  3. Try to tweet complete thoughts whenever possible- this will help followers outside the chat learn from you.
  4. Consider sending out a tweet in advance letting your followers know that you’re participating in this Twitter Chat, and encourage them to take part in the convo with you.