Cloud Automation DevOps vRealize Code Stream

Gating Rules in vRealize Code Stream

One of the key features in vRealize Code Stream is the ability to control what happens between individual stages in a pipeline. Let’s say you want to run an automated Selenium test against a Jenkins package. Or, suppose you want someone from your operations team to manually approve a deployment into a production environment. vRealize Code Stream lets you define gating rules between stages to allow for these types of checks.


Gating rules are a set of criteria that each stage must pass to proceed to the subsequent stage. if the gating rule is not configured, then the process proceeds to the next stage regardless of the outcome of tasks in the current stage. The default gating rules are  Test Acceptance Threshold and Approvals.

Test Acceptance Threshold 

For this gating rule, you must provide the threshold percentage value and the test result for a task to succeed the gating rule to the next level. This gating rule accepts the test result from a Jenkins test task. Based on the configured threshold for passed tests criteria, it allows the pipeline run to proceed to the subsequent stage.


Approvals Gating Rule

Looking to get your pipeline approved by a manager before migrating the code to Production? then this gating rule is for you!


In order for it to work, you must provide the approval group DN value and the approval message for a stage to continue or stop. The appropriate user receives an email to approve or reject this workflow. After the user submits or rejects the notification that appears in My Inbox, the workflow either continues or stops.


Gating rules that are associated with a pipeline are specific to an organization or an application. Users can define gating rules when a pipeline template is created. The environments do not need to be aware of these gating rules.

In the following video, I’ll go over exactly how to create a gating rule in vRealize Code Stream, and show a more real world example:

Learn More

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about vRealize Code Stream and its Artifact Management capabilities:

Catch up on previous Code Stream blog posts: