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CloudHealth Achieves AWS Cloud Management Tools Competency

Breaking news from the AWS Summit in Atlanta: AWS announced the official launch of their Cloud Management Tools Competency with CloudHealth Technologies named as a launch partner.

The AWS Competency Program includes competencies by industry, solution, and workload, enabling AWS Partner Network (APN) members to showcase their expertise in a variety of segments. We are thrilled to announce the achievement of our third AWS competency, having previously proven our expertise for the Education industry and Migration solution.

After a rigorous technical validation and evaluation of customer success, the CloudHealth platform has met the criteria for both the Cloud Governance and Resource & Cost Optimization categories.

Partners in the Cloud Governance category provide policy driven guardrails to track, report, alert, and take action on configuration changes and non-compliant resources or actions. This includes policies based on AWS best practices with the ability to manually or automatically remediate non-compliant events.

The criteria for the Resource & Cost Optimization category not only includes standard cost management features such as cost trending and chargeback, but it requires cost optimization features as well. Key components include rightsizing and Reserved Instance recommendations to help customers maximize their AWS investment.

The achievement of the AWS Cloud Management Tools Competency is a demonstration of our commitment to meet and exceed the unique needs of our 3,500 plus customers globally.