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Cloud Chargeback Part 4 – Compare Your Costs to Public Cloud Alternatives

by Rich Bourdeau

Now that you understand your infrastructure costs and have established your IT Service Cloud Cost Comparison Iconprices  the next step is to benchmark the cost of your services with those of similarly configured services from publically available cloud services providers like Amazon, Microsoft and VMware. 

Competitive benchmarking helps you understand how efficient you are compared to other providers.  In addition if you want to be a broker of IT services, cost will be one of the factors you consider when establishing policies regarding the placement of data, virtual machine instances or complete applications.

The challenge in comparing your costs to one or more  public cloud providers is that each delivers separate billing information based on inconsistent pricing models making comparisons difficult.  Companies trying to make intelligent data based decisions frequently need to construct complex spreadsheets in order to draw accurate conclusions.  With cloud vendors constantly changing their pricing it is difficult to know if your decisions are based on the most current data.

How VMware vRealize Suite Helps

in addition to providing costing information for your private cloud services, VMware vRealize™ Business Standard Edition provides public-cloud cost information enabling you to compare the costs of your services delivered by vRealize Automation  to those provided by public cloud providers.  This current information combined with and easy to understand view allows companies to quickly compare the cost of service delivered in their private offerings.   For additional information about vRealize’s cost comparison capabilities, please watch the second half of ITBM vRealize Business Standard Edition Overview  video.   Once you have decided where you want to host a specific service or application, you can then use vRealize Automation’s governance policies to enforce where specific applications and data will reside.

vRealize Cloud Cost Comparison

Learn more about VMware’s Cloud Automation solution.  

Need help deploying your private cloud infrastructure or developing your business justification? Contact us and our experts can help your team build the business case and the solution that will maximize your IT productivity.

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