Code Stream Cloud Management Platform Container Management Containers Cross-Cloud Services Kubernetes Technical

Trigger Pipelines From Docker Registry Updates in VMware Code Stream



VMware Code Stream is one of the amazing services available as part of the VMware vRealize Automation Cloud offering. Code Stream is an application and infrastructure pipeline and release automation solution. You can model any kind of release process for any kind of software or infrastructure, implement blue/green, canary or rolling update delivery methods quickly, and visualize all active pipelines and their current status. It might just be my favorite service of the three that make up vRealize Automation Cloud!!


In this post I am going to cover a new feature released that allows you to trigger a pipeline via a webhook when an updated image is posted to a docker repository. This feature is super useful when you want the latest image deployed in an environment when it is updated into the repository. For example, your dev team might have a CI job that compiles your new application, builds a new image, and uploads it to your private or public Docker repository. When that image is uploaded, it triggers a Code Stream pipeline to run the image through your deployment stages (DEV, QA, STAGING, PROD).


The Setup:

First thing that you will need to setup is an endpoint that connects to your Docker repository. You do this from the Endpoints screen under Manage and selecting New Endpoint. Then configure your Docker Repository as an endpoint:

Once you setup your endpoint to the repository then you are ready to setup the trigger. You do this by simply selecting Docker under the Triggers category and then selecting New Webhook for Docker:


On the Docker Webhook screen you can enter the information needed to complete the webhook configuration:


Now you are ready for action. Now just update the image in the docker repository and you will see that your pipeline to deploy the app will start via the webhook:


You can also go to the Activity page under Triggers then Docker to see details about the triggered action:


And there you have it! A couple easy steps and you now have a continuous delivery pipeline that executes whenever you update the docker repository, Code Stream also has triggers available for Gerrit and Git (GitLab, GutHub, and BitBucket). Using these useful and easy to setup triggers can will help you build any time of CI/CD pipeline that is handsfree.


For more information about VMware Code Stream go to: