Over the last year, VMware vRealize Automation has grown in popularity among enterprise tech professionals in the IT Central Station user community. vRealize Automation is ranked as a top cloud management tool, based on over one hundred user reviews from customers in a wide range of industries.


vRealize Automation


As the leading site for enterprise technology user reviews, IT Central Station is always looking for user feedback that can help our growing community of tech professionals make future buying decisions for their companies. When we get vRealize Automation reviews from their customers, we have the unique opportunity to hear honest feedback about the solution without vendor bias.

As we listened to what people had to say about vRealize Automation, we found that their users highlighted similar benefits that made them stand out in the cloud management space. In addition, we discovered that much of these similarities focused on two types of vRealize Automation users: the consumer, including the developer community, and the provider (IT teams). In this post, we go into two of the top-mentioned themes discussed by each type of user community in more detail. We hope that this will help others looking for impartial, vendor-neutral tech reviews in their market research.



One valuable benefit that came up among the provider community in particular is vRealize Automation’s agility:


The solution has helped us to increase infrastructure agility, mostly because, in addition to it being able to do its thing on its own, it has tie-ins to other parts of our CI/CD pipeline.” – Allen N., Systems Administrator at a tech services company.


It is primarily used for developers to spin up their own VMs and destroy them at will, afterwards my group spins it up in production machines. Probably, its most valuable feature is it takes time off of my schedule to quickly, securely, and conveniently deploy virtual machines, then I can work on other things.” – Brian W., Systems Administrator at a manufacturing company with over 1,000 employees.



Providing a technology platform that support the need for choice – choice of environment and choice of tools – is another popular benefit that came up among vRealize Automation users:


We’ve gotten to the point now where we’ve used it to create this whole environment for users to be able to self-provision their own machines and get them into networks. We have a very large number of different networks, which means that many options of where they can put those VMs; their own environment.” – Senior IT Engineer at a healthcare company with over 10,000 employees.


The most valuable features are that it’s multi-tenant and the ability for scale. From a customer perspective, they log in and they have Catalog: what services are available to them. They simply click on that and then there’s an option: I can have a Linux server, I can have a Windows server. They select it, configure it, how many CPUs, how much memory, how much storage, and hit the button, submit. It’s that easy.” – Lloyd H., Linear Dimensions, Consultant at a government organization with over 10,000 employees.



For IT providers, vRealize Automation is particularly valuable to them because of its ability to provide governance across clouds:


The product is really excellent. VMware provides a complete ecosystem. And it covers multi-cloud, which is where the market is going. We are able to cover compute, network, storage, etc. We have been able to take it to the next level where VMWare is providing the validated designs, VVD.” – Architect at a tech services company with over 10,000 employees.


It gives us one interface to control multiple environments. It’s an easier way to look at how a large chunk of information or data or processors are being used, and what they’re being used for.” – Scott S., Senior Systems Admin at a retailer with over 1,000 employees.



Another common theme that came up among vRealize Automation reviews from consumers is its extensibility, especially when it works well with other VMware and third-party solutions:


Valuable features include the extensibility of it and the customization of a lot of the Blueprints, that you can customize, and the community as a whole. There’s a ton of community-generated Blueprints that might be (helpful) to set up a design for your automation needs, that you can use as a base and go on from there and make changes to it.” – Daniel P., Infrastructure Architect at a tech services company with over 10,000 employees.


I personally spend a lot of time in vRealize Orchestrator, so being able to directly tie into the back end on the APIs, I find that to be what really is the most advantageous thing for me.” – Senior Associate at a consultancy with over 10,000 employees.


Want to learn more about what enterprise technology professionals really think about this tool? Read more VMware vRealize Automation reviews on IT Central Station.

Want to share your opinions about vRealize Automation with our community? Write your own review.



This blog was contributed by Danielle Felder, Senior Social Media and Content Manager, IT Central Station

Learn More about vRealize Automation