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Compare Cloud Costs and Discover Reclamation Savings with Free Hybrid Cloud Assessment (HCA) from VMware

As a part of the continuous effort to reduce cost and increase IT operational efficiency for our customers, VMware recently launched free Hybrid Cloud Assessment. Hybrid Cloud Assessment (HCA) is fast, takes less than couple hours, analyzes your vSphere infrastructure and provides the following –

  • Customized cost comparison between your private cloud and AWS / Azure
  • Uncovers cost-savings reclamation opportunities in your private cloud
  • Cloud consumption insights for your lines of business (LoB)
  • Detailed analysis on your private cloud costs



David Davis recently published a blog on the value and need to run the free Hybrid Cloud Assessment before considering public cloud for existing or new workloads.


“The migration of specific applications and certain data must be done strategically and only after thorough analysis. Most enterprise IT infrastructures today are too complex to for a single person with a spreadsheet and a calculator to perform that analysis accurately and in a timely manner.”


Hybrid Cloud Assessment solves the complexity challenge faced by IT infrastructure / capacity planners and makes it easy to arrive at decisions on their public cloud strategy. Whether you extend to public cloud or not, having a strategy backed up by VMware HCA’s customized analysis for your infrastructure is powerful and a must have to be not lost in the sky of clouds.

Compare Cloud Costs, Discover Reclamation Savings and Gain Insights into Lines of Business (LoB) Cloud Consumption – Get all these with the Free Hybrid Cloud Assessment (HCA) from VMware.

Completing a Hybrid Cloud Assessment with VMware is easy. Simply submit the form and a cloud expert will contact you.

Get Your HCA Report Today!