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Cloud Automation ROI – The Savings Potential of Eliminating Over Provisioning

In our overindulgent society, if some is good, more is even better.  This philosophy often translates to the consumption of IT resources.  For example, although the install guide recommends 4 GB of memory, if it has 8GB, then it should run better, right?  Or, if I’ll likely need 2 TB of storage at some point in the applications life, I might as well provision it now so I won’t have to ask for more later (i.e. two years from now).

In my experience, at every company I have worked with, over provisioning of resources has always been a problem resulting in capital expenditures far outweighing the need. It’s not that we don’t know how much CPU, memory, and storage is needed for an average web server, SharePoint server, or developer’s workstation.  It’s because everyone always thinks they need more.

The companies I have talked with report virtualization has made it even easier to over-provision.  In fact, many are worried that automated self-service will exacerbate the problem further.  On average, the companies we work with estimate that at least 10% of their systems are over-provisioned by 30% or more.  And this is a very conservative average.  However, it does not need to be this way.  Private Cloud infrastructures can actually enforce resource consumption limits by eliminating over-provisioning.   Using our vCAC Cloud Automation ROI model and our default configuration of 1,000 VMs, the results show that a typical company could save $60K in additional capital expenditures annually by implementing resource consumption policies to automate enforcement.

Like to learn more about  Private Cloud ROI  and how automating cloud service delivery can save cost while accelerating access to IT resources and applications?

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