Cloud Security Migration

Webinar: A Practitioner’s Guide To Cloud Security And Compliance Processes

As cloud usage grows, many organizations quickly find that they need to make some changes in order to keep their environment secure and compliant with data protection standards. Information security processes developed for on-premises infrastructure often fall short of mitigating the unique risks of decentralized cloud usage.

Best practices for balancing security governance and developer flexibility

Without the right processes in place, ensuring all cloud resources are configured properly can be difficult. Identifying misconfigurations that can expose data can be nearly impossible. These risks can also stem from complex violation chains, where standalone configurations that appear to be correct can combine with other configurations to provide unwanted access to sensitive data. Research has shown that misconfigurations and other human errors are among the most common causes of cloud security breaches.

The biggest challenge in creating policies to mitigate these risks often involves striking a balance between productivity and security. The public cloud is valuable because it enables developers to move quickly and access the infrastructure they need on demand. Any efforts to enforce cloud security policies need to make it easy for developers to follow them without sacrificing productivity.

On Tuesday, July 7, the Cloud Security Alliance is hosting a session in its CloudBytes educational webinar series that will highlight successful strategies that have helped organizations scaling cloud usage improve their security posture while empowering their teams to take advantage of the agility benefits. Kolby Allen, Senior Architect at Zipwhip, and Jason Needham, Senior Director of Cloud Security at VMware, will join the Cloud Security Alliance to discuss:

  • Common vulnerabilities and threats that increase security and compliance risks
  • How to balance governance with the flexibility needed for developer productivity
  • Specific steps you can take to measure and improve security posture
  • Lessons learned from scaling these processes to support a growing cloud environment 

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To learn more from effective cloud security and compliance strategies, check out our whitepaper, Building a Successful Cloud Infrastructure Security and Compliance Practice.