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New Forrester Study Says Virtualization Continues To Grow

VMware commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate current levels of virtualization maturity and the challenges customers have at each level of maturity. In conducting in-depth online surveys with 210 US and European IT decision makers, Forrester found that the journey to greater virtualization and cloud is accelerated when companies acquire the right management tools, automate the IT operations life-cycle, balance cost savings with agility, prioritize speed, establishing governance and making developers as productive as possible.

We’ve developed a new Infographic to summarize the results.

78% of IT organizations plan to grow their virtualization environment

Most organizations require a higher level of virtualization than they have today. In fact, 73% of respondents said that they want to virtualize more than half of their workloads, but only 29% have crossed that threshold today. 78% of IT organizations plan to grow their virtualized infrastructure in the next year to deliver on-demand cloud-style responsiveness and agility. Automation, enabled by powerful tools, is the fastest path to expanding virtualization and delivering resources at cloud speed.

New Forrester Study Says Automation is Key in Customer Virtualization Journey

Key Findings: Only 24% of companies can provision in hours

1. As companies virtualize more, lack of visibility and tools creep become the top challenge
As companies get more virtualized, they encounter more challenges with visibility, in part because of the number of tools needed to manage their infrastructure.
2. Only 24% of companies can provision infrastructure in hours – the rest take days or weeks
Regardless of how virtualized an organization is, to move forward they must automate. Automation, enabled by powerful tools is the fastest path to expanding virtualization and delivering resources at cloud speed.
3. Companies need unified, simple and cost-efficient tools to deliver resources at cloud speed
To move towards greater DevOps efficiency, organizations need automation solutions that help them maintain vision and control while helping them accelerate the development process.

To learn more about how you can accelerate your virtualization and cloud journey, check out the Forester Cloud Maturity Study and the Forrester infographic.

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