Migration Product Updates

Take Control of Cloud Costs with CloudHealth Anomaly Detection

Current Cloud Cost and Usage Challenges  

With the dynamic nature of the native cloud, cloud consumers are dealing with explosive changes – new accounts, services, and regions keep coming up every single day; hence, it becomes paramount to keep track of cloud usage and spend. Cloud users are concerned about the ability to manage unseen costs with the increasing complexity and difficulty to keep spend and usage in control.  

In alignment with these pain points, the CloudHealth team is thrilled to announce the public beta of CloudHealth Anomaly Detection.  

Introducing CloudHealth Anomaly Detection

CloudHealth Anomaly Detection, available for three major clouds of AWS, Azure, and GCP, enables users to monitor unusual or abnormal spend, by analyzing cost spend patterns and utilizing historical data aligned with industry trends. This feature provides users with the ownership to understand & analyze spend patterns and take immediate action on unwanted spend – helping cloud adoption become more cost-effective.  

Users can filter the anomalies based on various parameters such as time period, account name, service, region, marketplace, cost impact etc., and sort/search the data to investigate the data which is of importance to user.  

CloudHealth empowers cloud owners by helping them identify anomalies and take the appropriate next actions.  

Stages of the Anomaly

  1. Active Anomaly: When the anomaly detected in the system is ongoing and still exists in the system.  
  2. Inactive Anomaly: When the anomaly detected is over and becomes an event of the past. 
  3. Archived Anomaly: When the anomaly detected is no longer actionable due to a bill change by the cloud provider. 

Anomaly Detection also provides users the ability to submit feedback for the anomalies detected. This feedback gets considered in the subsequent detections to reduce the false positives. Users can also see older, similar anomalies for the service and understand if it’s a matter of concern and requires action. In addition, users will be assisted in drilling down to the root cause of the anomaly and correct it through the required actions. One can also create alerts and get notified as soon as possible of the anomalies most relevant to you by putting conditions on cost impact, duration, value accounts, etc. 

CloudHealth is focusing on all identified anomalies can be associated with the exact cause and change in the portfolio. Thereby giving users not just a way to optimize cloud costs, but also focus on reliability and performance of their cloud. 

Benefits of CloudHealth Anomaly Detection 

  • Visibility into anomalous spend 
  • Observe unusual behavior and take action 
  • Drill down and get to the root cause 
  • Understand your cloud better with desired alerts and reports  

Next steps 

Ready to get started? Reach out for a free trial and get started with CloudHealth today.