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2020 Cloud Management Analyst Report Roundup

Analyst reports can be valuable for businesses making critical investment decisions, such as choosing a cloud management solution or cloud service provider. That’s why we’ve rounded up the top analyst reports from 2020 focused on cloud management and optimization, along with additional resources that can help make the decision-making process a little easier.

Businesses often look to analysts and third-party research firms for independent analyses of the cloud management landscape, including key trends, buyer needs, and vendor comparisons. Analyst reports can be valuable resources if you’re making critical investments and business decisions, such as which cloud provider(s) to invest in or which cloud management solutions and services are best for your needs. 

That’s why we’ve rounded up the top analyst reports from 2020 focused on cloud management and optimization, along with additional resources that can help make the decision-making process a little easier.

The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Cost Management And Optimization, Q4 2020

This Forrester report is a must-read for any organization looking to solve cloud cost management and optimization challenges. The report includes:

  • Forrester’s criteria and scoring method for determining their leaders in the Cloud Cost Management and Optimization (CCMO) Wave
  • Forrester’s top eight vendors in the cloud management and optimization space
  • How vendors compare based on their current offerings, strategy, and market presence (spoiler alert: CloudHealth by VMware received the highest score in every category)
  • How you can use Forrester’s detailed analysis to build out your vendor shortlist and help make an informed decision on your future CCMO solution

You can download a copy of the report for yourself here: The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Cost Management And Optimization, Q4 2020, and see an analysis of the report in our article here

We also recommend the following resources, created to share best practices in cloud cost management and optimization:

  • Whitepaper: Building a Successful Cloud Financial Management Practice
  • Article: How to Prevent Your Cloud Finances From Sinking You During Economic Turbulence
  • Article: The Key To A Meaningful Cloud Cost Analysis Is A Global Tagging Policy
  • Article: Reviewing Cloud Costs From An Engineering Director’s Perspective
  • Article: Managing Cloud Costs with Kubernetes: 5 Best Practices to Optimize Your Kubernetes Cloud Costs

The Forrester Wave™: Hybrid Cloud Management, Q4 2020

Another report on our list from Forrester is The Forrester Wave™: Hybrid Cloud Management, Q4 2020. Following a similar format to the Cloud Cost Management and Optimization report mentioned above, this report includes Forrester’s criteria and scoring method and a comparison of the top nine vendors in the hybrid cloud management and operations space by their current offerings, strategy, and market presence.

You can download your copy of the report here and see our key takeaways here. If you’re interested in other resources to help manage a hybrid cloud environment, we suggest the following: 

  • eBook: The Enterprise Guide to Hybrid Cloud
  • Solution brief: CloudHealth Hybrid Migration Assessment
  • Article: Demystifying Hybrid Cloud Management

Omdia Universe: Selecting a Hybrid and Multicloud Management Solution, 2020–21

Omdia is a global research firm founded by Informa Tech by combining their portfolio of market-leading analyst houses. Omdia Universe helps organizations make better technology choices for their business and enable technology innovators to better understand and reach the markets they serve.

Omdia’s Hybrid and Multicloud Management Solution report considers how the challenges of managing hybrid and multi-cloud environments influence the technology that businesses deploy, use, and control. The report also provides an in-depth comparison and evaluation of leading hybrid and multi-cloud management solutions.

You can download your copy of the report here. And if you’re looking for more information on managing a hybrid or multi-cloud environment, we recommend the following resources:

  • Article: 8 Best Practices for a Successful Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Management Strategy
  • Article: Multi-Cloud Advantages: Why Every Business Should Consider Adopting A Multi-Cloud
  • Article: Choosing the Right Multi-Cloud Management Platform
  • eBook: 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Multi-Cloud

IDC: Worldwide Cloud System and Service Management Software Market Shares

In this report, IDC provides an analysis of the worldwide cloud system and service management software landscape, including a competitive view of leading products and vendors. Download the report to see:

  • IDC’s research on 2019 vendor market shares and market activity across the global cloud system and service management industries
  • A competitive view of selected products and vendors, with insight into which cloud management vendors are shaping the industry
  • IDC’s breakdown of significant market developments and expectations for behavior among enterprise consumers in the coming years

If you’re looking for even more insights into the cloud market landscape, including 2020 cloud spend trends and leading cloud service providers’ market share, see our articles below: 

  • Article: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Impacted Cloud Spend Globally
  • Article: Key Findings From Our 2020 Cloud Management Maturity Assessment
  • Article: Azure vs. AWS Comparison: Is Azure Really Catching Up?

IDC VMware Cloud Management Portfolio Assessment

In 2020, VMware launched a number of new products and capabilities designed to further address the emerging cloud management needs of containers and cloud-native workloads across on-premises, private, and public cloud environments.

In this report, IDC provides an overview of VMware’s cloud management portfolio and strategy, along with key takeaways and recommended actions for enterprises looking into cloud management solutions. You can download a copy of the report for yourself here

We hope this roundup was useful for you! If you have any questions about a particular report or the CloudHealth platform, please feel free to reach out to us here and we’ll be happy to connect.