Migration Success Stories

Asystec Limited Delivers Successful Customer Outcomes in the Cloud with CloudHealth

Asystec Limited partners with CloudHealth to create tailored strategies and solutions that help customers improve performance, reduce costs, and accelerate their journey in the cloud.

Asystec Limited is a Data Management Solution Provider focused on helping companies identify, manage, and secure their data assets. The company has a strong history working with VMware, holding 14 unique solutions competencies and leveraging VMware technology at the end-user, application, and data center levels. Most recently, Asystec was awarded VMware’s UK and Ireland 2020 Transformational Partner of the Year Award!

Journey to the cloud

Two years ago, Asystec expanded its offering to also include cloud services. They provide Assessment, Design, Pilot, Implementation, Migration, and Operational Support services to help customers at any stage in their cloud journey. 

For customers that host workloads in more complex environments, such as hybrid or multicloud, Asystec creates tailored strategies and solutions to help them improve performance, reduce costs, and secure their resources. To help deliver the best results, Asystec decided to implement a multicloud management platform.

Asystec and CloudHealth

Given Asystec’s existing relationship and history with VMware, CloudHealth was a natural fit for their solution portfolio. Lorne Chedsey, Head of Cloud and Infrastructure at Asystec, said, “when looking for a multicloud-based solution that could offer both on-premises, as well as all of the major cloud services providers, CloudHealth was a clear winner during our evaluation.” 

CloudHealth is now an integral part of Asystec’s business. Key capabilities of the CloudHealth platform include: 

  • Visibility: Customers gain complete visibility of their cloud footprint, across private, hybrid, and multicloud environments
  • Reporting: With CloudHealth Perspectives, customers can create custom reports and dashboards broken down by project, team, department, or business unit
  • Policies: Customers can achieve consistency and control over their cloud environments by implementing custom governance policies and workflows

CloudHealth has been a major selling point for Asystec services.

Lucas Da Silva

Cloud Engineer, Asystec

In addition to its product functionality, CloudHealth’s Professional Services team has been critical in training Asystec and its customers, to build skills and experience, and ensure projects are delivered successfully. Lucas Da Silva, Cloud Engineer at Asystec, says that he’d “definitely recommend CloudHealth and CloudHealth Professional Services to any customer whenever he has the opportunity.” 

You can learn more about how CloudHealth and Asystec partner together for successful customer outcomes in the complete case study.