Customers’ expectations for hybrid cloud management are on the rise, and VMware vRealize Cloud Management is determined to exceed those expectations. A new market report, The Forrester Wave™: Hybrid Cloud Management, Q4 2020, names VMware vRealize Cloud Management a Leader.

Insights into the report begin with understanding why it matters. The report shows how each of the nine most significant hybrid cloud management providers measures up on 34-criteria to help you select the right one for your needs. Hybrid cloud management customers should look for providers that offer:


“Depth of support, choice, and advanced automation are differentiators.

As public cloud platforms build out hybrid cloud capabilities, third-party solutions add value by providing deep support across both public and private cloud environments, multiple options to complete the same task, and next-generation capabilities in automated operations. Vendors that can offer these advantages position themselves for success in this market…

–The Forrester Wave™: Hybrid Cloud Management, Q4 2020


The report continues to say, “[In 2020,] rising momentum and the increasing scale of hybrid cloud and multicloud environments have made the choice of investment no longer optional but necessary—hybrid cloud platforms differ from multicloud in that they include both cloud management and cloud building for private and public cloud platforms.”

Also stated in the report: “VMware offers a leading platform that extends management from private to public.”

What Makes a Leader?

Forrester says that key differentiators are the depth of support, choice, and advanced automation they offer their customers. For organizations looking for a hybrid cloud management solution they should look for these differentiating capabilities.

  • Support clouds with depth
    What’s important is not only how many cloud platforms a vendor supports, but the depth of features across the platforms and services, as well. According to the report, ”Leaders differentiate their offering with added performance visibility, cost visibility and optimization, and tag management across all supported platforms.”
  • Give multiple options to solve a single problem
    The report states, “Flexibility can allow [leading solutions] to fit around existing environments rather than forcing customers to reverse policies or rip and replace prior art. They offer capabilities such as multiple discovery methods… accepted template formats; customizable permissions…tag imports; customization around placement recommendations, and complete REST-based APIs…”
  • Provide advanced optimization and automation operations
    According the Wave report: “Leaders differentiate by identifying expiring [reserved instances] and providing rightsizing for database instances. Leading solutions can trigger action based on a broad set of metrics, events, or log monitoring data. They can also filter through alerts to identify critical issues with automated operations capabilities.”


How Are Vendors Evaluated?

What took several months of evaluation, each vendor was reviewed based on criteria in three categories that are represented in the Forester Wave graphic, including:

Current offering

  • Criteria: Discovery, governance and policies, visibility, orchestration and lifecycle management, optimization and automated operations, and experience.


  • Criteria: Product vision, execution roadmap, market approach, partner ecosystem, commercial model, and performance.

Market presence

  • Criteria: Evaluation of market presence of each vendor’s number of customers, product revenue, and average deal size.


VMware vRealize Cloud Management had the highest score in all three categories with a score of 4.72 out of 5.0 in the current offering category, 4.70 out of 5.0 in the strategy category, and 4.75 out of 5.0 in the market presence category. With customer input, a keen understanding of organizational needs, and analysis by the Forrester analysts, this report provides you with an indication of how to evaluate a vendor that can meet your specific business needs.

To see how the nine most significant providers stack up on 34-criteria, download a copy of The Forrester Wave™: Hybrid Cloud Management, Q4 2020 report today, with our compliments.

Additional market recognition: