In this blog, I would like to Introduce Helm Chart which I built for vRealize LogInsight Cloud.

It deploys fluentd as deamonset to collect logs from Kubernetes Cluster. I have verified with the following flavors

Once you have logs flowing you can create your own dashboard to visualize the environment. I have created the following dashboard for my TKG environment

What is Helm ?

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Helm is the best way to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes.

What are Helm charts?

Helm Charts are Kubernetes YAML manifests combined into a single package that can be deployed to on K8 environments. Once packaged, installing a Helm Chart into your cluster is as easy as running a single helm command, which simplifies the deployment & upgrade process



You need to have the following pre-requisites

  1. vRealize LogInsight Cloud API Token
  2. Helm Version = ‘3.x’
  3. Admin access to the Kubernetes Cluster

Installing the Chart – Procedure 1

Step 1 – Add Chart Repo

helm repo add loginsight-cloud

Step 2 – Get Values file in your working directory

helm show values loginsight-cloud/loginsight-cloud-helm  > values.yaml

Step 3 – Update Values file with API Token and other relevant details.

cat values.yaml

Step 4 – Install Chart.

helm install test-vrlic loginsight-cloud/loginsight-cloud-helm -f values.yaml


Step 5 – Verify Kubernetes Pods

kubectl get pods -A | grep test-vrlic


Step 6 – Verify Helm Release

helm list


Installing the Chart – Procedure 2


Step 1 – Add Chart Repo

helm repo add loginsight-cloud

Step 2 – Install Chart by setting values during run time.

helm install test-vrlic loginsight-cloud/loginsight-cloud-helm --set vrlic.apikey=SETME --set tag.environment=DEMO

Step 3 – Verify Kubernetes Pods

kubectl get pods -A | grep test-vrlic

Step 4 – Verify Helm Release

helm list


Verify Logs

Getting Started with vRealize LogInsight Cloud

For a free trial, you can click here or reach out to your account team

To learn more about vRealize Log Insight Cloud please visit here