Cloud Comparison Migration Product Updates

Introducing CloudHealth Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Support

On September 29th at VMworld, CloudHealth announced general availability for support of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). CloudHealth for OCI extends CloudHealth’s multi-cloud management to OCI customers by providing visibility into cost and usage of OCI resources. Adding OCI support addresses the key challenges of managing a diverse, multi-cloud environment:

  • Limited visibility into costs and usage. Without a single platform to view multi-cloud costs, it’s difficult and time consuming to perform showback/chargeback and view cost and usage data in context.
  • Difficult to organize assets into business context. It can be a challenge for organizations to create a detailed asset inventory and understand which OCI assets belong to different teams and lines of business or which assets support particular applications.
  • Separate cloud management tools complicate cloud financial management. Having OCI, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and data center data in separate tools makes it more challenging to incorporate multi-cloud data in a comprehensive cloud financial management process. It’s a very manual effort to create a single view of all cloud cost and usage data.

CloudHealth support for OCI provides visibility into cost and usage of OCI resources.

multicloud cost management dashboard with oracle cloud infrastructure

With CloudHealth, organizations can now include Oracle Cloud in their multi-cloud management. New features include:

  • Dashboard Views: The CloudHealth Dashboard includes Oracle Cloud cost information. Customers can also build their own custom dashboards for OCI.
  • Cost History report: OracIe Cloud cost history is included in the CloudHealth Cost History report so customers can view 13 months of OCI cost history to identify trends and forecast future spending.
  • Compute Shape Usage report: CloudHealth can provide detailed usage for compute shape resources.
  • Perspectives: CloudHealth can support Perspectives based on tags and metadata so OCI resources can be categorized into business-oriented groups.
  • Budget vs. Actual spend report: Flexibility to enter and track your budget with insights into the deltas between planned and actual spend.
  • Asset inventory: Visibility into OCI compartments, a comprehensive list of assets (as derived from billing data), and deeper, API-driven reporting on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM instances.

Many of CloudHealth’s existing customers are also Oracle customers who have already migrated some Oracle applications and services to OCI or are planning to. Adding support for OCI is an example of CloudHealth and Oracle working together to meet the needs of mutual customers.

“Oracle is excited to partner with CloudHealth by VMware to extend CloudHealth’s multi-cloud management to OCI,” said Jason Wilbur, Director of Product Management, Oracle. “We share CloudHealth’s commitment to providing customers cost and resource usage visibility across all environments. We’re confident our partnership will help Oracle’s customers grow and optimize their usage of OCI services.”

CloudHealth and Oracle worked together with feedback from mutual customers to enhance the CloudHealth platform to capture cost and usage data from OCI and address customers’ most pressing use cases:

  • Gaining comprehensive visibility into cost and usage. CloudHealth provides a single platform to manage multi-cloud resources. Now, CloudHealth can also provide detailed cost and usage analysis for OCI resources. Admins can view historic resource usage across teams, create cloud usage and cost forecasts, and provide showback for cost management among all cloud users.
  • Create and track OCI budgets and spending. CloudHealth gives admins the ability to enter and track their OCI budget with insights into the deltas between planned and actual spend.
  • Organizing costs into business groups for showback. CloudHealth Perspectives give admins the ability to group their OCI resources by user-defined business groups such as LOB, functional area, cost center, etc. for cost reporting and showback.

The introduction of CloudHealth support for OCI shows the commitment of CloudHealth and Oracle to accelerating and optimizing our customers’ journey to multicloud. Learn more information about CloudHealth’s support for OCI here.