vRealize Operations Cloud Operations

Introducing the vRealize Operations Sizing Tool

Whether you are deploying vRealize Operations for the first time or you have a current cluster and want to validate your cluster node size and number of nodes you will want to use the vRealize Operations Sizing Tool which was published late last year in conjunction with vRealize Operations 7.0.  This simple, easy-to-use tool provides guidelines for initial sizing as well as accounting for anticipated growth and data retention policy.  Let’s look at how it works.


Starting Fresh


For new deployments, the sizing tool can be used during planning stages by customers or consultants to prepare for resources required for a new cluster.  For the initial approach, simply select the version you wish to deploy and then the “Basic” option.  This allows you to quickly understand the general requirements for your new cluster with minimal data input.

In the Basic guide, you only need a few data points for your vSphere environment as you can see in the image below.  Other inputs are for projected growth and data retention requirements.  Finally, you can select whether you wish to have cluster HA enabled as part of the sizing.

And that’s all!  Easy, right?  Click “View Recommendations” for you sizing based on the inputs provided.

As you can see, you are given a recommended node and cluster size, as well as the totals for objects and metrics collected.  You can also see sizing recommendations for larger nodes, but you can always upgrade nodes later if required.  A PDF version of the recommendations is available for download and you can also consult the documentation for the sizing guidelines using the link on this page.

It is also easy to go back and make some adjustments to the inputs without starting over.  Just click the “Environment” tab to return to the input form.

Advanced Use Cases


As you can see, the Basic sizing provides everything you need to get started with vRealize Operations monitoring your vSphere and vSAN infrastructure and VMs.  But, what if you have other management packs and are collecting from other endpoints in your datacenter such as storage or physical hardware?

This is when the Advanced option can be used to further customize your sizing recommendation inputs.

As you can see, not only are vCenter object inputs available, but you have more inputs under the vCenter section to provide more accurate sizing.   Other sections include some of the most popular management packs used by customers.

You can even use the “Other Data Sources” section to include objects and metrics for management packs not specifically listed.  The number of metrics will vary for those, but you should be able to find the metrics collected in the management pack documentation.

Validate Your Current Cluster


If you are already running vRealize Operations, the sizing tool is a great way to make sure your cluster is sized appropriately.  You can find the current object and metric count in vRealize Operations under Administration > History > Audit > System Audit.  Simply plug in the total objects and metrics for “Other Data Sources” and adjust the growth, retention and HA options to your liking.

This will give you a quick and accurate sizing which you can compare to your current configuration to make sure your cluster is configured optimally.  Be sure to use “Objects Configured” and “Metrics Configured” for your inputs.


So, if you are new to vRealize Operations or an existing customer (or a consultant helping customers) be sure to bookmark the vRealize Operations Sizing Tool as a fast and easy way to plan and confirm sizing for your nodes and clusters!