Cloud Management Platform

CNRS renews their IT infrastructure with private cloud.

A fresh start to the new year

Here we are in 2019! A new year means new resolutions to improve ourselves. While we may be going to the gym or watching videos on organizing our homes, businesses also dust themselves off and make improvements as time goes on. This month we will be looking at VMware customers who have made “personal improvements’ to  their business with virtualization and cloud management.

A new private Cloud

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is the largest governmental research organization in France, and the largest fundamental science research agency in Europe. Including their external laboratories, they have a combined staff of 115,000 people, and and IT staff of around 140 that provide 90+ apps and services. Because of recent head count caps and budget requirements, they have chosen to re-internalize their IT functions in a private cloud which reduced both physical hardware footprints, but also leveraged IT Automation and Operations Management. After this strategic environmental change, in spite of even heavier usage, deployments across the various labs that used to take weeks now can be done in only a few minutes.

private cloud

We had an opportunity to talk to David Bercot, head of Infrastructures and Services for CNRS about their new private cloud using VMware Cloud Foundation, and a full stack of VMware products Including vRealize Automation, vRealize Operations, and vRealize Network Insight.. In the video below, David details how each helped in the management of their private cloud, and the positive impacts these changes have made for them.

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