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What You Missed At CloudHealth Connect18: Day 2

The energy levels from day one carried into day two of CloudHealth Connect18 with a palpable buzz in the air as all attendees funneled into the main room to watch the keynote speakers this morning. Kicking it off was Joe Kinsella, CTO of CloudHealth Technologies, and John Purcell, VP of Products at CloudHealth Technologies, discussing the CloudHealth Technologies’ roadmap and forecasted industry trends.

The day continued at a high speed as keynote after keynote speakers captivated the audience. Attendees were able to continue on the cloud journey, listening to and engaging with thought leaders in the cloud computing space, hearing their thoughts on everything from forecasting future trends to cloud management best practices.

In case you missed it, check out some highlights below from day two of the CloudHealth Connect18 event.


Live with CloudHealth Technologies – Roadmap and Industry Trends Forecast

Speakers: Joe Kinsella and John Purcell

During this session, our speakers, Joe Kinsella and John Purcell, walked through the product roadmap and our plans for innovation that will bolster the customers’ journey in the cloud.

Joe Kinsella, CTO and Founder of CloudHealth Technologies, first explained our plans to bring the business context into cloud optimization. CloudHealth is an incredibly flexible and powerful tool. But to continue serving our customers’ evolving needs, innovation is key.  Imagine in 2020 you’ll be able to tell us what your business constraints are and the CloudHealth platform will customize your experience based on your personalized goals and requirements. By this time, we are aiming to provide our customers with smart, adaptable recommendations with custom automation capabilities.

Kinsella then went on to say, “By 2020, we hope to be the platform to support you through your journey across any and all clouds, with proactive governance, predictable deployments, extensive integrations, and customized visibility and control.”

In the coming years, the evolution of the CloudHealth platform will mean:

  • Next-gen cost management
  • Full platform extensibility
  • Deep security and governance<
  • Enterprise-aware management
  • World class user experience
  • Harnessing insights from data
  • Pervasive multicloud
  • Business service management

After detailing the roadmap, John Purcell, VP of Products at CloudHealth Technologies, spent time on the latest improvements to the design of the CloudHealth platform. Purcell started by noting that scalability is critical in our design processes. Over the last year, our developers have leveraged an enhanced design process to support a better user experience in the CloudHealth platform, and we’re thrilled to announce that these enhancements are now available to all customers. While many of the changes may appear subtle, the impact on usability is dramatic.The enhancements consist of a cleaner and simplified style, removal of unnecessary distractions and wasted space, consistency of key elements in the interface, and adjustments to font and color to enforce accessibility. These design changes will fundamentally changes the tone and experience of the CloudHealth platform.

Keynote: Living In The Cloud

Speaker: Tom Koulopoulos

Tom Koulopoulos’s Living In The Cloud keynote speech was both illuminating and inspiring. He kicked off the presentation with a statistical breakdown of the future of technology, and the reality is truly shocking.

According to Koulopoulos, “data is NOT the new oil.” In fact, over the last 70 years, the number of computing devices has increased from 10,000 to over 10 billion, which is a 900% increase every 10 years. At this rate, by 2100, the number of projected devices is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That’s one septillion computing devices—more than all the grains of sand on earth. And the rate of growth for data is even more vast—so much so that researchers are now measuring the projected rate of data growth over the next 100+ years by the number of atoms in the universe. And while innovation is key to surviving this growth trajectory, Koulopoulos stressed that we must first learn to inherently trust technology rather than fear it and the level of change it presents.

The modern day attitude that everything has to be connected will result in expedited technology innovation. What’s driving the nature of this technology growth? The crisis of complexity. We as humans are motivated by the concept of eliminating friction in situations with complex interactions, and cloud management technology is the perfect example of this. Data circling and the ability to analyze that data is well beyond our capacity to control it on our own. A cloud management platform reduces the friction of optimizing a cloud environment and enables its users to instead focus on the success of their business.

In closing, Koulopoulos left us with one final note to think about and remember: “Your job as a leader is to define not just the technology itself but the behaviors that will determine how we use that technology.”

Cloud Management Best Practices, Innovating on AWS

Speaker: Mark Schwartz

Mark Schwartz, an Enterprise Strategist with AWS, explained how he approached fixing a broken IT system within the government. Typically, the major issues he would run into wouldn’t be technology issues like one might expect, but instead more human issues like culture change, organizational structures, and bureaucracy struggles. The major struggle that Schwartz discussed was the issue of speed. The speed from when somebody has a great business idea that requires an IT capability to when that IT capability is actually ready and people can use it.

With the government, and all the red tape that came with it, the time between those two moments could be upwards of a decade. In today’s world of innovation and technology, Schwartz flagged that timeline as an unsustainable practice. His trick behind figuring out how to reduce the lead time is to figure out why that lead time is there to begin with. He then broke down an example from his time working at the government and explained the evolution of the changing thought process when you shift the way people do things. Schwartz finished up by saying, “Culture changes when you start to do things in a different way. You start to change people’s actions and what they’re actually doing and when they see success at what they’re doing, people start to change their way of thinking and then do things that lead to success.”

CEO Fireside Chat With Tom Axbey And Guests

Speakers: Tom Axbey, Milin Desai, Guido Appenzeller, and Joe Kinsella 

Two years ago, VMware envisioned a single pane of glass to manage a multidimensional cloud environment and better support their customers through their business transformation in the cloud. CloudHealth is the platform that makes this vision possible. To learn more about what Tom Axbey has to share at the Fireside Chat check back here next week.

To Our Customers

Our VP of Products, John Purcell, spoke for the entire CloudHealth team when he ended his speech today with these powerful words to our customers:

“To all of our customers, I want to thank you for your business, for your patience, for sticking with us as we learn and make mistakes. I want to thank you for partnering with us, for pushing us to be better, and for supporting us as we strive to become a world-class product organization. More than you will ever know, we rely on you to make us better. We get better when you challenge us and communicate with us. And as we continue to grow, that will never change, we will always listen. Thank you.”  – John Purcell, VP of Products, CloudHealth Technologies