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vRealize Log Insight 4.6 – April 2018 New Release

Check out the newest release of vRealize Log Insight 4.6, available starting April 12, 2018! This release includes new features for the Log Insight server and agent, resulting in improvements in scalability, usability, and user access management.


Improved Scalability

Log Insight is now more scalable and supports up to 15 vCenters per node. It also supports sending SYSLOG over UDP. Importer support is now available for bzip and bzip2 archiving formats. Log Insight can now handle configurable compression for HTTP requests when an agent sends log events with the Ingestion API. Agents now can read logs from journald system service for log data in Linux distributions running systemd.


Better Usability

VMware has improved Log Insight’s usability in this release by introducing the ability to alert on dormant logs, allowing it to send an alert when a configured log source stops sending log events after a fixed amount of time. In addition, a capability has been added to export a full list of agents from the Admin->Agents page. Log Insight now supports receiving RAW event messages without headers. A new ability has been introduced to control the visibility of items on Dashboard widgets. The user can simply use Shift-Click to toggle and Option/Alt-Click to show all. You can now configure multiple destinations for an agent from the main configuration server. Lastly, the agent status now also includes information about the server(s) it sends logs to.


Enhanced User Access Management

Log Insight has enhanced its user management capabilities, allowing a search for users and delete multiple users. A new capability has been added to authenticate VMware Identity Manager (vIDM) local users. There are also additional APIs including those for creating alerts, deleting VIPs, and authenticating with vIDM.


The following defects have been fixed since the last release:

  • Upgrade fails when the /storage/var partition is full
  • When you do not provide a license on the License page, a tooltip for evaluation licenses is displayed
  • A bug leading to agent crash was fixed
  • Incorrect handling of copytruncate rotation scheme for log files in some circumstances


In summary, vRealize Log Insight 4.6 has seen numerous enhancements in scalability, usability and user access management since the last release. You can upgrade to 4.6 directly from vRealize Log Insight 4.5. If you are running an earlier version of vRealize Log Insight, you must first incrementally upgrade your installation to 4.5. Upgrade to version 4.6 starting April 12, 2018!


For more information about vRealize Log Insight 4.6, see the vRealize Log Insight 4.6 Documentation Center.