Cloud Updates Migration Success Stories

Gaming Developer Saves Millions with AWS RIs and More Easily Predicts Public Cloud Spend with SHI and CloudHealth

In an effort to keep up with the demand of delivering the computing power required to support usage spikes from thousands of users worldwide, one gaming development company created dozens of AWS accounts. This lead to a $5 million increase in their public cloud spend in just one year and the company struggled to track their rapidly-increasing AWS consumption. Looking to gain control of their skyrocketing costs, the company turned to AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, SHI, for help.


SHI and CloudHealth


SHI leveraged their partnership with CloudHealth Technologies to gain visibility into all of their customers’ clouds, accounts, teams, and individuals, and provide a condensed report to show exactly where their customers’ funds were going.

Using the data consolidated by CloudHealth reports, SHI recommended switching from running thousands of AWS instances On-Demand to a Reserved Instance model. This change is expected to save the gaming development company millions of dollars over time and makes their long-term public cloud use easier to predict and more affordable.

SHI continues to help monitor the customer’s AWS consumption and spend on a monthly basis, and is evaluating additional savings opportunities as the company continues to grow.

View the full case study on SHI’s website.
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Learn more about how SHI’s partnership with CloudHealth Technologies enables customers to efficiently leverage the power of the cloud.