By: Ryan Cartwright, VMware Senior Systems Engineer & Cameron Fore, VMware Staff Systems Engineer

On June 22nd, we will be hosting a Getting More Out of VMware webinar on How to Operationalize vRealize Operations for Horizon.

In this session, we will demonstrate how to leverage vRealize Operations for Horizon to quickly take control of performance issues impacting End-user experience in your Horizon View environment.  We will provide a deeper of understanding of how to:

  • Leverage the proactive alerting capabilities to monitor key performance metrics related to end-user experience
  • Leverage the latest dashboards to gain end-to-end visibility into issues impacting your users
  • How to conduct root cause analysis on a user’s desktop session to answer “Why is my desktop slow?”

Proactive alerting

This session will cover how vRealize Operations for Horizon tracks key performance metrics related to end-user experience, provides proactive alerting to users being impacted, as well as insight into the size and scale of the problem and what actions to take.GMO_v4h1

Understand how to consume the alert details

We will drill down into alerts impacting users to determine the following items:

  1. What symptoms are impacting their experience?
  2. How long have the problems been occurring?
  3. What recommendations are provided to take action for remediation?


End-to-end visibility

Next, we will go over the latest Horizon End User Experience dashboard, to see how it provides end-to-end visibility into VDI performance impacting users across the organization.


Root Cause troubleshooting: “Why is my desktop slow?”

Finally, we will cover how to use the Horizon Help Desk dashboard to perform a root cause analysis on an individual’s desktop session to quickly determine what is impacting the user’s experience.

GMO_v4h4Please join us on June 22nd, when we will unlock the mysteries of vRealize Operations for Horizon, showing you how to quickly operationalize the solution, so that you can start to provide proactive monitoring for your Horizon View environment and get instant insight into the performance problems impacting your users.

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Visit to view the entire Getting More Out of VMware webinar series.