By now you should have heard about our latest hybrid CMP, vRealize Suite 7, announced on February 10, 2016. With the new simplified packaging that maps into the three key use cases, all newly-refreshed component products, and significantly enhanced user experience across the board, I am sure you can’t wait to try the new release.

In the old times, I would send you to read the manual. But, while our documentation is excellent, don’t you wish that an expert could just show it to you? No wonder YouTube ‘s “How To…” videos are booming!

vRealize Suite Feature Walkthrough

With that in mind, and to help you quickly realize the value, we have built the Feature Walk Through site. Incorporating slides, step-by-step recorded demos, and customer video testimonies, this is the best tool helping you to deploy, configure, and operate vRealize Suite.

vRealize Suite
Walk Through for vRealize Suite 7

Just like the new vRealize Suite is released in three editions, the updated Feature Walk Through is built around the three key IT use cases:

  1. vRealize Suite 7.0 Standard Edition: Intelligent operations use case;
  2. vRealize Suite 7.0 Advanced Edition: Automated IT and IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) use case;
  3. vRealize Suite 7.0 Enterprise Edition: DevOps-ready IT use case.

Easy navigation covers sections on the installation, configuration, and operations of the component products. There is no marketing – only the information you need to quickly become productive with the new products. We really wanted to get this out to you ASAP, so the lineup of products and features may not be complete yet. Please stay tuned for updates in the near future. In the meantime, here are the examples of the topics you could expect to see today or in the near future:

    • Install, upgrade, and configuration
    • Performance and health monitoring
    • Understanding, analyzing, and forecasting capacity
    • vRealize Automation 7.0: the overall architecture and installation
    • Identity management with vRealize Automation 7.0
    • Hybrid blueprints: beyond your own cloud
    • Extending your blueprints beyond the box
    • Converged blueprints: the road to agility
    • Automation and NSX: building network-aware blueprints
    • And more!…

Visit the updated Feature Walk Through site and kick the tires of the new vRealize Suite 7 !