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Tribune Media Creates Frictionless Enterprise with VMware vRealize Suite

by Rich Bourdeau

Tribune Media is multi-media company headquartered in the United States.  With a diverse Tribune Mediaportfolio of television and digital properties Tribune Media is the largest independent broadcaster in the United States of America.  In 2012 Tribune Media was split off from the rest of the Tribune Company.  They needed to quickly replace the IT infrastructure and applications that the company had relied on for years.  In order to achieve this goal, they deployed what they refer to as a frictionless enterprise.  The basis for their IT infrastructure was VMware Software Defined Data Center stack of compute, network, storage and security services combined with the vRealize management suite.

Here are just some of the reasons why Tribune Media chose VMware SDDC and vRealize management software and some of the benefits they have already realized from their deployment.

Achieving the fasters time to Cloud Value

When choosing what management tools to use, Tribune ran a test to provision 1000 virtual servers.  Within a week they were up and running with the VMware solution with far less resources than the competitive alternative.  The speed at which the vRealize Suite could be deployed made their decision simple.

Automation and NSX

vRealize Automation simplifies the process of configuring application centric network and security services.  As virtual machines, databases and applications are provisioned, managed and decommissioned, network and security services are automatically configured based on predefined policies.

“One of the standout features of VMware’s NSX is micro-segmentation.  The ability to wrap anything whether it be data, server, an application and give it a security profile, for lack of a better term is awesomeness!”

“The benefits of bring Automation and NSX together is really what my entire engineering team says:  Their motto is fundamentally if we can’t automate it, we don’t need it.”

David Giambruno, Senior VP and CIO Tribune Media


Huge Productivity Gains drive Business Alignment.

Business alignment is allowing IT to deliver what the business wants faster, cheaper and better. VMware software defined infrastructure combined with automated management empowered Tribune Media to do more with less.

“In 2013 with an old infrastructure we got 78 projects done.  In 2014, with the new infrastructure, 151 projects.  In 2015 we are going to complete 245 projects for the business.  They don’t understand the technology, what they see is the outcome of us able to deliver more for the business”

David Giambruno, Senior VP and CIO Tribune Media



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