Aria Automation Cloud Automation

Forrester Total Economic Impact of VMware Automated Application Deployment

by Rich Bourdeau

Many of VMware’s customers have deployed private or hybrid clouds and automated the delivery of Infrastructure as a Service. While this accelerates the delivery of individual machines from days to hours and minutes, it only addresses about 10% of the overall business agility problem. Someone has to take those infrastructure components and configure them into a working application with all the appropriate networking, security and dependencies set up correctly to allow the application to function.  Most companies tell us that this may take them 2-3 weeks or longer.  In addition, they likely need to do this multiple times for different users in the application development pipeline.

IT Servic Delivery Before Automation

Fig 1: Service Delivery times prior to Automation

Automating the Application Delivery Process

Applications are the engines that drive competitive advantage and new business opportunity. When companies say they need to get more agile from a business standpoint, they are talking about delivering new applications quicker. This is much more than delivering a new VM faster. It means delivering complex multi-tier applications across development, test, staging and production. It means simplifying and automating the process to coordinate changes across all these environments to allow new and updated applications to be delivered faster. Many of VMware’s customers with DevOps initiatives are looking beyond automating just infrastructure as a service to delivering complete working and tested application environments.

In 2014, VMware IT automated the delivery of application environments for their development and test engineers.  This change decreased provisioning times by 95% (from weeks to less than one day) increased developer productivity by 20% and reduced cost per VM by 80%.  We were seeing similar results from other customers so we decided to work with Forrester Research to help quantify the improvements our customers were seeing.

Quantifying the Economic Impact

Forrester’s Total Economic Impact (TEI) study presents an independent objective view of the benefits of vRealize Automation compared to the processes that companies were using prior to deploying cloud automation solutions. To complete this study, Forrester surveyed a number of VMware experts and actual companies who had deployed VMware vRealize Automation to accelerate their application delivery.  Below are the benefits and Quantifiable results from their study.

The Benefits:

Forrester TEI Auto App Deploy Benefits

The Results:

Forrester TEI Auto App Deploy Results


Learn More

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