Aria Automation Cloud Automation Cloud Management Platform vCloud Automation Center

Integrating vRealize Automation with ServiceNow

by Rich Bourdeau

Cloud management platforms which automate the delivery of IT services are not standalone applications.  In order to automate the deliver an IT service, cloud management platforms need to interact with existing infrastructure, tools and processes.  One of the top five external systems customers ask VMware to integrate vRealize Automation (formerly vCloud Automation Center) with is their existing service desk system.

Integration requests fall into two categories:

Third party service desks software is available from a variety of vendors including BMC, CA, HP, and IBM.  One of the most frequently requested third party service deskServiceNow Logo software that we get asked to integrate with is from ServiceNow.   VMware and its partners have created a bunch of integration examples, vRealize Orchestrator workflows, and plug-ins that can be used to accelerate integration between vRealize Automation and ServiceNow.  This blog tries to summarize some of the options available, but If you are aware of others, please drop me an email and I will be happy to update this list.

Note: These examples are specific to ServiceNow, but the techniques and even some of the workflows can be modified to integrate with other service desk solutions.

Calling ServiceNow features from vRealize Automation

Generating  an incident ticket is the most common  ServiceNow integration that our customers request.  Other integrations examples include updating the ServiceNow CMDB throughout the lifecycle of the resource(s), change management and problem requests.

vRA calling ServiceNow
Here are some integration examples and resources that you can be used to jumpstart your efforts:

Requesting vRealize Automation services from ServiceNow

Another common use case is to be able to request or manage vRealize Automation infrastructure application or custom services from the ServiceNow catalog.

ServiceNow calling vRA

Here is an integration examples and resources that you can be used to jumpstart your implementation:

  • Jenifer Galvin, A former Solution Architect in VMware’s Cloud Infrastructure Management Group put together a great blog post:   Provision a vRealize Automation Service from ServiceNow’s Service CatalogThis post looks at how to successfully integrated ServiceNow’s Service Catalog to provision services in vRealize Automation.  It also demonstrates how vRealize Automation services could be invoked from any Service Catalog, using vRealize Orchestrator.

 Where to Start

The examples I’ve shown you can help jumpstart your cloud automation implementation.  However, they are very basic examples that demonstrate what is possible, but are a long way from what you will likely need for a full production deployment.  I highly recommend that you contact VMware Professional Services.   They have already delivered many of these integration use cases and will provide advisory and technology consulting services that will really accelerate  a private and hybrid cloud deployment that meets the unique needs of your business.