Log Analytics Log Insight

Log Insight 2.5 Release Announced

Today, we’re happy to announce the pending availability of VMware® vRealize™ Log Insight™ 2.5. It will be generally available in late 2014. To be notified with the product is available for evaluation and download, sign up here: http://eepurl.com/3FUsr .

Key features in this release include:

  • Role Based Access Control
  • Inventory Data Integration with vCenter Operations Management Suite
  • Internal Load Balancer for Scale Out
  • Extension of Universal Collection Framework for Linux
  • Hosts Overview Administration
  • Internationalization/Localization
  • Real-time Dashboard Presentation Mode

For more information on these features, join our expert community here or login if you already have an account. To be notified when the product is available for download, sign up here: http://eepurl.com/3FUsr.

Log Insight


One thing you’ll notice is Log Insight 2.5 is now folded under the vRealize brand. As Ramin Sayar described when we launched the brand:

At the root of the brand is realize. Our aim is help our customers finally realize the value they expect from their IT investments, and help them realize their journey to the hybrid cloud.

In many ways, vRealize aspires to help customer of virtualization technology realize the full value of their technology, and to expand their ability to flexibly and efficiently manage their virtual infrastructure.

For more information, see the Log Insight page.

What is Log Insight?

VMware vRealize Log Insight delivers real-time log management for VMware environments, with machine learning-based Intelligent Grouping and high performance search, enabling faster troubleshooting and better operational across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. It can analyze terabytes of logs, discover structure in unstructured data, and deliver enterprise-wide visibility via a modern web interface.  It analyzes log data of all types and from all devices, enabling deep insight and cross-cloud visibility. With a focus on integrated cloud operations management and an analytics-driven approach, it provides the tools needed to proactively meet service levels and improve operational efficiency in the most demanding cloud environments.

To try out the Hands On Labs, see the Hands On Labs page.