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vCenter Operations Tech Tip #38: vC Ops – The Soccer World Cup 2014 Edition

logoWell, this post is all about pure fun and doing stupid things with smart products. Although I’m not a huge soccer fan, I’ve decided to accept the challenge and help all the soccer crazy VI Admins out there!

This Custom Dashboard is a very simple one to create; all you need to do is configure the Text Widget and point it to an HTML URL.


Configuring the Text Widget

Now, the fact is that if you want to use the Text Widget to present live HTML URL (which is what we are about to do) you basically don’t have to do much.

For more info on how to work with this widget I recommend you to check my fellow consultant Ziv Klempner’s post around it or just check this KB.

Just to keep it simple, I used 1 Text widget showing the FIFA Matches page URL.

Open the widget configurations and just add the following URL:

Notice that I set the refresh interval to 3 hours just so you won’t make your vC Ops work hard for no real reason.01. Text Widget

And the result…

Of course you can continue playing with this dashboard and have it display lots more World Cup related data – Have Fun!

(And if you do build something cool, share it in the comments section below, or tweet to @vCenterOps) WC2K14 Custom Dashboard

Disclaimer: The Idea for this one came from one of my colleagues, David Ginzberg who is a TAM leader in Israel.