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vCenter Operations Management Tech Tips: Tip #35 – Cluster Utilization Dashboard – Bringing it all together – Part 3

This is the last and final part of a 3 part #TechTips series on creating a vC Ops Cluster Utilization Dashboard. Before you read or implement this part on your instance of vCenter Operations Manager, you need to ensure that you’ve read the following #TechTips :-

TechTip #33 – Part 1 – Introduction to the Cluster Utilization Dashboard in vC Ops  &

TechTip #34 – Part 2 – Creating Supermetrics for Cluster Utilization Dashboard in vC Ops

So from the previous part of this series you have the Supermetrics ID of all the Supermetrics which you have created in your environment. We have 8 SuperMetrics with ids from 1 to 8.

To begin with download the following XML file which has the code for the Utilization Metrics:-


Open this file in a notepad after downloading it and now replace the shown metrics with the SuperMetrics ID which you have captured in the part 2 of this post. For me the Supermetrics ID is from 1 to 8 & I have highlighted the same. You need to edit the file with the SuperMetric ID corresponding to your instance of vCOps.


Here is how the file will look like and the values you need to edit.

STEP 1 – Place the edited xml file in a specific location of the UI VM

1- Use a SCP software to login to the UI VM using the root credentials. I am using WinSCP.

2- Change the directory to the following location /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/tomcat-enterprise/webapps/vcops-custom/WEB-INF/classes/resources/reskndmetrics

3- Drag and drop the 3-Cluster Wise Utilization – int-file-ver2.xml file from your system where you downloaded it to this directory as shown in the screenshot below.

4- Right click on the target file and click on Properties to change the permission level to 644 (For Read & Execute rights) as shown below. 

You are done with STEP 1. Let’s look at STEP 2. Before that download the dashboard xml which you need to import from here:-

Cluster-Wise Utilization Dashboard

STEP 2 – Import the dashboard in vCOps Custom UI

1- Login to vCOps Custom UI with an ID with Administrative Privileges.

2- Click on the Import Option under Dashboard Tools.

3- Browse to the location where you have saved the 3-Cluster Wise Utilization-DB-ver2 and click on Import.

4- You will get a dialog box that your dashboard it successfully imported. Close the same and click on the Dashboards Menu to find a new dashboard named “CLUSTER WISE UTILIZATION”

5- Click on this and you will get the dashboard which we saw in the beginning of this post. Ain’t it simple 🙂

6- In case you do not see a blank dashboard, Edit the Resources Widget on the Left Pane, Browse to Resource Kinds – > Cluster Compute Resource -> Click on All Attributes once and click on OK. This will get you the list of the clusters and you will be good to go!!


Hope you enjoy this dashboard 🙂

Closing this series. Will see you with another custom dashboard soon. Till then – Keep Dashboarding!