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VMware IT Streamlines Application Development with DevOps Automation

The DevOps chasm

DevOps is a methodology that stresses increased collaboration between groups which DEVOPS Chasmalthough highly dependent on each other for success frequently operate as independent entities.

Development relies on IT Operations to provision the development and test environments required to produce new applications and/or features that provide competitive differentiation. Operations relies on development to produce high quality applications that don’t break when used in production.

Unfortunately, both teams frequently feel let down by the other. Development needs quicker access to standardized development and test environments.  Operations frequently spend longer than they would like making sure new applications will run smoothly in product environments.

Crossing the chasm
The ability to rapidly deploy standardized application environments and keep these environments consistent throughout the development process is key to reducing the time to deploy new features and increasing delivery frequency.  High quality Dev-Test environments which are consistent with production environments not only improve application delivery times they also result in higher quality applications.  Automation is the key to delivering consistent high-quality application environments and maintaining that consistency through the development process.

DevOps productivity in action
Here’s how VMware IT leveraged Software Defined Data Center services and vCloud Suite management software to help streamline their development and release process. The results:

  • Decreased Provisioning times by 95% (from weeks to hours)
  • Increased developer productivity by 20%
  • Reduced cost per VM by 80%

To learn more on how VMware IT simplified their DevOps Provisioning process, increased developer productivity and reduced VM costs, check out the short video below.

VMware IT Simplifying DevOps

Next steps

Learn more about VMware Cloud Automation and DevOps productivity improvements by visiting the following resources:  

Need help deploying your private cloud infrastructure or developing your business justification? Contact a VMware Cloud Automation expert.

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