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The Greatest Cloud Management Show on Earth

A big shout out to the 23,000 of you who were able to attend VMworld 2013 in San Francisco several weeks ago! We hope you enjoyed the more than 60 Cloud Management-focused sessions, the FREE t-shirts, and the all-you-can-eat donuts/cookies that were given out in our Cloud Management Lounge.

For those that weren’t able to partake in this inspiring event, gorge on a smorgasbord of sugary delights and/or get a fashionably FREE t-shirt, here’s a recap of the acts that stole the show…

The Mother of All Demos (MOAD)
What is Cloud Management’s own version of a death-defying stunt? The Day 2 General Session with VMware President and Chief Operating Officer Carl Eschenbach showing the integration of vCAC, ITBM and vCOPS and how it provides self-service, transparent pricing, governance, and automation. Inspiring? Yes. Business-as-usual? No. Prepare to be mesmerized as Carl showcases a service catalogue and options to deploy an app to a private or public cloud (vCAC), the costs associated with each option (ITBM) and the health of the app after deployment (vCOPS). View the whole demo, including the Cloud Management component, at http://www.vmworld.com/community/conference/us/learn/generalsessions

We’re Not Clowning Around. Cloud Management Really Is the Fastest Growing Product Line at VMware!
Get the inside scoop from Ramin Sayar, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Cloud Management, on new product offerings in the pipeline at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlzeSPQhLtk

Under the Big Top with a New Big Data Product for Log Management 
Learn how to manage log data for peak performance on physical, virtual and cloud environments with VMware’s new offering, vCenter Log Insight. Check out how it can help you mine machine data and find the root cause of issues at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4rW2Of2oss

Throw Your Hat in the Efficiency Ring with Cloud Operations
Hear what VMware expert Jim Silvera, Senior Systems Engineer, has to say on how vC OPS can ensure everything runs effectively and efficiently within your business, across all departments and LOBs at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJmOS9zR0Sg

What Do Acrobats and Cloud Automation Share In Common? Agility.
Hear from VMware’s own Naomi Sullivan, Group Product Line Manager, how new functionality (available in Q4) in vCAC enables you to not only provision IaaS but also to deploy application blueprints on any stack (ours and yours) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl51V3JXmpw

Flying Through the Air with the Greatest Transparency
Learn from Eyal Cohen how new functionality in Management’s Business Management Suite provides deeper insight into the true costs of in-house vs public cloud and the ability to make decisions for your enterprise based on the facts, not gut feel at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HElpNasfulY

The Second Act
Come one, come all (if you can) to VMware Barcelona, the 2nd greatest Cloud Management show on earth, on October 15 – 17 and see what’s new in our product lineup! If you’re in the area, register to attend at  http://www.vmworld.com/registration.jspa?src=VMworld2013_SocialMedia_EMEA_Open_reg_KC  

While we’d be thrilled to see you, it may not be feasible given your geo coordinates which is why we’ll make sure to bring the show to you, here on this blog, following the event.