
Save on Your VMware Certification at VMware Explore

The countdown has begun! VMware Explore Las Vegas is only six weeks away. As you are in the process of purchasing your pass, booking your flights, and researching restaurants, there is one more booking you might want to consider. 

This year VMware Learning is offerings a 50% discount on all VMware Certified Professional (VCP) and VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) certification exam vouchers. These exams must be taken during VMware Explore Las Vegas, and paid for at the time of booking your registration. We have a special area, our Certification Exam Center, all set up and ready for you! Every registered certification candidate will have a ready-to-go computer and quiet space to take their proctored exam. And the best part? After you have passed your exam, you can stop by the CXS Theater in the Hub and get your Certification Pin from one of our VMware Learning team members. Instant recognition of your hard work and dedication to continuing your personal growth and learning journey. 

Why get certified?

VMware Learning certifications are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise on VMware products. The VMware Certified Professional (VCP) certification was created for IT professionals (administrators and engineers) who install, configure, manage and optimize VMware solutions.  

You can become a VMware Certified Professional in a variety of different tracks including:

  • Data Center Virtualization (DVC)
  • Cloud Management and Automation (CMA)
  • Network Virtualization (NV)
  • End-User Computing (EUC)

Already have your VCP? Then VMware Certified Advanced Professional might be the next challenge for you. This certification validates a person’s expertise and knowledge in one of the five tracks and takes it a step further. There are two different types of VCAP exams designed specifically to challenge and confirm the skills of those who design and build VMware Solutions (VCAP Design), or manage, and optimize (VCAP Deployment) VMware Solutions. 

What are you waiting for? 

Join VMware Learning at VMware Explore Las Vegas. Come ready to expand your horizons, grow your connections, and validate your expertise. We cannot wait to see you there.