
The New VCDX Workshops

If you are interested in pursuing the VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) certification, the VCDX Workshop is a great way to start. If you have already started your journey towards earning the highest-level certification in the VMware catalog, the VCDX Workshop will help focus your preparation and move your progress closer towards submitting and defending. For several years, VMware has offered this opportunity in a number of different ways by different presenters, all of whom had already gone through the process and earned the VCDX certification for themselves.

The VCDX workshops are full of extremely valuable content and information, including descriptions of the program and framework, guidelines on how to prepare and manage your time and effort, and offers time with panelists and presenters to practice defending sample design scenarios and experiencing what it’s like to get questions from the panel during a defense.

In prior years, the workshop lasted approximately a half-day, about four hours. The workshop was held primarily in-person, at both VMworld conferences and at select VMUG UserCons. During the past two years, while about everyone took a pause on traveling, we delivered the workshops remotely. They were still delivered by the same presenters and offered the same content and opportunity to practice a bit, but just created a little different experience being remote.

For 2022, we have made a slight change.

As we (hopefully) gear up for returning to in-person deliveries of the workshop, at both VMware Explore and additional VMUG conferences, we will still continue delivering the workshop remotely, but with a different structure and format.

Once per quarter, we will host a 90-minute workshop covering a different, but important aspect of the VCDX process, program and practice. Each presentation will last about 40-50 minutes, allowing for plenty of time for Q&A and individualized guidance from the presenters and other VCDXs in attendance. Each workshop will be recorded and posted for later review or to view by anyone who is unable to attend live.

The first 90-minute interactive session is a deep dive into the overall VCDX Program and Process, providing tips and success strategies for solution design selection and development and the VCDX application and supporting documentation.

The second session covers how to demonstrate Design Experience and present additional tips on how to show your expertise during the defense and design scenario. There are also tips about how to best frame and craft your design submission.

The third session will cover Defense Preparation and Process, covering how to prepare your mindset, practice and ways to respond to questions posed by the panel during your defense. The guidance comes directly from those who have been through the process, as well as from VCDX Panelists, who look for specific items related to the blueprint.

The final session will cover Next Steps and Additional Resources that you can use to help you prepare and submit to earn your VCDX certification.

Sign up today!

Click here to view the upcoming VCDX Workshops. Register today and continue your journey to being recognized as one of the VMware elite!