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Become a VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) Today

VMware is proud to announce that another IT professional from Papua New Guinea, has joined the ranks of the elite and now can be called VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) thanks to their VMware certification. This individual became just the latest problem solver around the globe to acquire a library of on-demand IT skills.

We know that becoming a VCAP is not for the faint of heart. Each VMware certification path is challenging but sets IT professionals apart from their peers. This certification validates a person’s expertise and knowledge in one of the five distinct categories: data center virtualization (DCV), cloud management and automation (CMA), desktop and mobility (DTM), Network virtualization (NV) or digital workspace (DS). That is why, when we can certify a new recipient, it is cause for celebration!

Did you know that 65% of VCAP VMware certified professionals reported that they saw a benefit from their certifications in just the first four months?  Those benefits include a salary increase, a job promotion, and/or increased productivity and efficiency.

VMware-certified professionals enjoy those tangible benefits. Like other certified IT professionals, those who have completed a VMware certification path may also enjoy greater self-confidence in their abilities and an adaptable knowledge bank. Certificate holders also love to continue their education. A recent study found that 86% of certified professionals plan to pursue additional certifications, making them a formidable ally in any business environment.

Enroll in your first VMware certification course today

Take the challenge and join over 10,000 IT professionals across 110 countries and become a VMware Certified Advanced Professional. Your VCAP journey could start today by selecting your VMware certification track and picking your courses. 

VMware has four different kinds of IT certifications, each designed to highlight your specific set of skills. Click here to learn more about VMware Learning certifications and discover the right program for you.