Learning Career Development Certification Thought Leadership Training

Our Learners Tell Us What They Really Think About VMware Training & Certification


Over the last several months, we’ve been exploring the value of training and certification. The research on the practical and personal benefits as well as the impact on salary was very interesting. But we were most interested in what our learner community (you and your peers) specifically thought about VMware’s training and certification. So, we asked and here’s what we discovered…


Most of our learners, over 90%, would recommend VMware training and certification to a friend or colleague (92% of survey respondents at VMworld US and 95% of respondents at VMworld Europe).


Over 60% of respondents leverage training to evaluate new products.



While there were differing opinions regarding the second and third spots, NSX topped the list of VMware technologies that are of highest interest for survey respondents at both VMworld US and VMworld Europe.



Which VMware training and certifications are you most interested in? Explore the courses that can help you grow your skills based on your technology interest, job role and level of experience.