Employee Experience

Horizon FLEX 1.5 now shipping!

By Andy Morris, Sr. Product Line Marketing Manager, Horizon FLEX, End-User Computing, VMware

Andy here again.  I’m delighted to announce that Horizon FLEX 1.5 is now shipping. This update is huge. We’ve got server side improvements, client side improvements, probably even improvements in the bit that connect the two!

Sorry, I’ll try and be serious, this is after all a very big deal. It’s been just 6 months since we shipped Horizon FLEX 1.0, and less than 3 months since we shipped 1.1. This release adds many of the features you requested.

  • The ability to remotely wipe a VM from a host machine
  • Granular control over USB devices
  • Policy control over a common file system between the host and client
  • More lenient user controls over RAM and CPU allocation
  • Greater integration with Active Directory for encryption / decryption
  • Limit to single instance of virtual image

We’ve even improved the way you distribute the Horizon FLEX Clients, and added the ability to make a desktop shortcut for your virtual image. Your users are going to love this.

Watch the introductory video below to learn more.


To access the software, just sign in to your account and download it from either support or from the store.

Thank you.