Employee Experience

VMware Introduces Horizon Workspace™ 1.5 and New VMware Ready™ Devices

By Erik Frieberg, Vice President, Product Marketing, End-User Computing

As you know, supporting the mobile workforce is a daunting challenge. Users are increasingly demanding to use their own mobile devices, and yet, according to IDC’s most recent mobile enterprise software survey, 43% of companies are currently experiencing compliance issues with their mobile deployments, with 53% citing a lack of appropriate IT resources today as a potential roadblock to pursuing a successful mobile strategy in the future[i].

Today, VMware is making it easier to support the mobile workforce by introducing the general availability of VMware Horizon Workspace™ 1.5, which offers a highly integrated mobile management platform. This release simplifies the experience for both the end user and the IT administrator who must support the mobile worker. Adding to the single, aggregated workspace that combines data, applications and desktops are features such as:

  1. A single integrated management interface to support Android devices alongside all other components of the workspace with the integration of VMware Horizon Mobile™
  2. Support for mobile applications to allow admins to entitle and manage applications
  3. Policy management engine to consolidate, model, and rationalize policies across all components
  4. Support for the Oracle database
  5. Revised iOS applications – files and applications in two separate applications
  6. Localization in French, German, Japanese and simplified Chinese
  7. Performance improvements and fixes

The variety of mobile device models, operating systems and applications brought into the enterprise by users can create a management nightmare for IT. Specifically, Android is a difficult platform to manage due to the large number of device-specific operating systems. Horizon Workspace helps IT standardize the management of Android devices using a single, integrated management platform to easily apply and enforce corporate security policies across all devices using a single solution.

New VMware Ready™ Devices In-Market

Another development in our Android strategy is the addition of new handsets that support Horizon Workspace that will help enterprises better support BYOD initiatives. The Samsung Galaxy S3, S4 and the Droid Razr HD by Motorola join the existing line-up of VMware Ready™ devices on the Verizon Wireless Network that currently includes the LG Intuition and Razr M by Motorola. All told, three out of the four top smartphone OEMs in the United States have VMware Ready devices in-market[ii]. They are also among the most recognizable brands globally. Stay tuned for even more handsets to come throughout the year.

iOS Device Strategy

Supporting today’s mobile workforce also means supporting Apple iOS devices. VMware has embarked on a new strategy for iOS that adds to the native MDM/MAM features that will be offered in iOS 7. Our strategy is to leverage iOS 7 to help IT administrators gain greater control, visibility and security. You can read more about VMware’s new iOS strategy by reading the blog post “VMware’s Strategy for iOS 7 and Industry Implications” by Srinivas Krishnamurti, Senior Director of Mobile Solutions.

As you can see, we are continuing to build upon our mobile enterprise strategy after laying the foundation with the announcement of our VMware Horizon™ Suite earlier this year. Stay tuned for more mobile announcements at VMworld next month, and if you plan on attending the conference in San Francisco or Barcelona, don’t forget to register!

Are you currently using a VMware Ready device?  Tell us how you are accessing Horizon Workspace on Twitter and Facebook.

[i] “The State of Mobile Enterprise Software in 2013: An IDC Survey of Applications, Platforms, Decisions and Deployments”IDC#241690 – June 2013

[ii] Top Smartphone OEMs, comScore MobiLens, June 28, 2013