VMware Horizon Insights Modernizing VDI and DaaS

Navigating the future of DaaS: 6 key trends and predictions for 2024

As we we begin 2024, the Desktop as a Service (DaaS) landscape continues its pace of rapid evolution, driven mainly by technological advancements and shifting business needs. The DaaS model has helped organizations transform the way they manage and deploy desktop environments, especially since 2020 when the idea of remote work went from a novelty to a requirement. With the rise of shifting work styles and business priorities, DaaS is not just a convenience; it’s become a necessity for many organizations to address various key use cases outside of just providing secure remote access. So, what are some key trends and predictions to look out for in 2024 regarding DaaS? Let’s explore the trends that are shaping the future of DaaS and how they’re poised to continue to redefine the IT landscape.

1. DaaS adoption will continue to surge

The initial surge in DaaS adoption reflected a fundamental shift in IT infrastructure, driven mainly by the increasing normalization of remote or anywhere work. The adoption of DaaS deployments is only anticipated to rise, with the expectation that nearly 80% of virtual desktops being delivered in 2024 will be through a DaaS solution, up from over 30% in 2021. This growth can be attributed to DaaS’s inherent benefits we continue to convey to our customers through our Horizon Cloud platform, such as enhanced security, scalability, and cost-efficiency. DaaS enables businesses to provide secure, anywhere access to desktop environments efficiently, ensuring data security and compliance, which is particularly critical in industries handling sensitive information. Moreover, because DaaS solutions are highly scalable, businesses can adjust resources quickly in response to fluctuating workloads and changing business conditions, making DaaS an agile and flexible IT solution.

2. The roles of SMEs and MSMEs in DaaS will expand

The role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in DaaS growth is pivotal. These businesses, often constrained by limited IT budgets and resources, find DaaS an attractive solution due to its scalability and cost-efficiency. DaaS enables these organizations to access high-quality IT infrastructure and services without the significant upfront costs typically associated with traditional hardware and software purchases. This flexibility is crucial for SMEs and MSMEs, as it allows them to adapt quickly to changing business needs and scale IT resources up or down based on demand. Additionally, DaaS offers a simplified IT management approach, reducing the burden on internal IT teams and allowing SMEs and MSMEs to focus more on their core business activities.

3. Geographic trends and market segmentation will grow

Both geographic trends and market segmentation play a crucial role today in the DaaS landscape, and we believe this will continue in 2024. So far, different regions exhibit varied adoption rates and preferences for DaaS solutions, influenced by many factors: local economic conditions, technological infrastructure, and regulatory environments. For example, North America leads in DaaS adoption due to many organizations’ advanced IT infrastructure — compared to other regions — and higher propensity for technology integration in business operations. In contrast, markets in Asia-Pacific are rapidly growing, driven by increasing digital transformation efforts and the growth of SMEs and MSMEs. Market segmentation is also influenced by industry verticals, with sectors like banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), IT, and telecommunications showing a higher adoption rate due to their inherent need for scalable and secure IT solutions. So, it may not be a surprise to see other market segments, which were initially hesitant to adopt DaaS solutions, start increasing their adoption due to advancements in DaaS solution capabilities that match their needs.

4. The digital employee experience will be prioritized even more

The digital employee experience (DEX) in the context of DaaS is increasingly critical, especially in a landscape where hybrid and remote work are becoming more prevalent and it can be more difficult to gauge what an employee is actually experiencing with the technologies they use to work. DEX solutions focus on delivering a seamless, user-friendly experience across various devices and networks. This involves ensuring that DaaS platforms are not only technically robust but also designed with the end user in mind. User-centric design principles dictate that these platforms must be intuitive, responsive, and easily accessible, regardless of the user’s location. DEX also encompasses personalized settings and tools that cater to individual workflow preferences, further enhancing productivity and user satisfaction in diverse work environments. Additionally, many robust DaaS solutions offer monitoring capabilities that can address and analyze how segments of their users’ experiences are when using company technology. These capabilities allow IT teams to proactively address any user experience issues before they impact employee productivity.

5. Agility and security will remain top of mind for businesses

DaaS solutions have empowered companies with unprecedented flexibility, enabling them to swiftly adapt to evolving market demands and operational challenges. This agility is especially crucial in a landscape where anywhere work and digital transformation are continuing to become the norm. In parallel, the emphasis on robust IT security within DaaS solutions will intensify. With an increasing number of cyber threats, DaaS providers are likely to innovate and incorporate advanced security protocols and compliance measures, ensuring that data remains protected in an increasingly interconnected world. The integration of these features is expected to not only safeguard sensitive information but also streamline compliance with evolving data protection regulations. This dual focus on agility and security positions DaaS as a key driver in shaping resilient and efficient business operations in the near future.

6. AI’s potential in DaaS will skyrocket

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into DaaS solutions can offer several potential benefits for deployments. Advanced machine learning algorithms will allow for real-time monitoring of network traffic and user behavior, thereby bolstering security in DaaS environments. This is particularly vital for safeguarding sensitive data accessed across diverse networks. Additionally, AI will optimize resource management, analyzing usage patterns to predict future demands and ensuring efficient resource distribution. This will lead to scalable, cost-effective DaaS solutions. Furthermore, AI will enhance user experience by customizing DaaS interfaces based on individual interactions, thus improving productivity. AI-driven support tools will also automate troubleshooting, reducing the load on IT teams and streamlining user support. Lastly, AI’s role in analyzing DaaS-generated data will provide valuable insights for business decision-making and trend prediction.


In 2024, DaaS is poised to become a cornerstone of modern IT strategies, particularly for SMEs and MSMEs. Its growth, driven by the need for flexible, secure, and cost-efficient IT solutions, reflects a significant shift in how businesses approach technology in an increasingly remote and digital world. With advancements like AI integration and a focus on DEX, DaaS is not just keeping pace with the evolving landscape but is actively shaping a future where technology seamlessly aligns with business agility and user-centric needs. Discover how VMware Horizon has been instrumental in this transformation and learn how it can empower your business to navigate the future of DaaS effectively.

Additional resources

White Paper: Reduce Management Overhead by Transforming VDI, DaaS and App Management with the Horizon Control Plane

Report: Innovation in a Distributed Work World

eBook: The Essential Technology Needs for Hybrid Work

Industry Report: Gartner Market Guide for DEX Tools