Adoption and Change Management

Understanding Anywhere Workspace Adoption KPIs – Part 1: Solution Activation

VMware Anywhere Workspace is a unique solution to manage multi-modal employee experience, better secure the distributed edge, and automate the workspace. Adopting and realizing value from Anywhere Workspace encompasses several projects, sponsored by a variety of stakeholders within IT and the business, each with their own set of expectations. So, when it comes to measuring value obtained, organizations will use a new range of KPIs to track progress made in achieving business outcomes for this new range of project sponsors.

We have already discussed how EUC project KPIs are evolving over time in the whitepaper Realizing Value Through Employee Adoption. In this blog series, we will cover in more depth some of these KPIs and the best set of metrics to track.

Tracking Anywhere Workspace solution activation

We will start with the most popular KPI used to track progress of adoption of a workspace platform: solution activation. Activation indicates to what extent the target user group has adopted a key component of Anywhere Workspace, the Workspace ONE platform. Solution activation is a foundational KPI, as it represents the precondition to achieve other business outcomes. For this reason, best-in-class organizations run an adoption program in parallel with the Workspace ONE rollout to ensure solution activation ramps up within two months of the Workspace ONE launch.

Data on levels of activation, such as the number of enrolled devices or onboarded users, can be easily gathered from the reporting capabilities of VMware Workspace ONE. It is useful to complement this data with surveys on the users’ sentiment around the onboarding experience. This helps detecting early any possible adoption blocker and act accordingly.

Obstacles to adoption are often not related to issues with the technology deployment or integration, but rather due to users’ inertia or resistance. In most cases, employees simply have not been informed adequately about the new tool at their disposal and fail to see what’s in it for them. In some cases, for instance with BYOD programs, employees may be concerned with their privacy, when using personal devices for work. Both issues can be addressed through clear and transparent communication campaigns.

To illustrate features and functionalities of Workspace ONE to employees and to explain what information is collected through Workspace ONE and why, we have created the End User Zone, a website dedicated to Workspace ONE users. It is the perfect complement to your adoption campaign.

Boost adoption with champions

To boost adoption among specific user groups, a community of champions will also give you a crucial contribution. Champions are employees who know your business and understand how Workspace ONE can positively impact work and productivity. Champions are not necessarily in senior management positions but engaged and influential employees. They will translate your vision into reality and lead by example. They can be deployed to drive change and engagement among your critical users or when solution activation is not progressing at the desired levels.

For more information

Do you need support with adoption? Do you have feedback on VMware EUC adoption resources? Let us know by emailing [email protected].