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Join Brian Madden for EUC Community Tech Talks & Beer during VMworld US 2019

VMworld 2019 in San Francisco is just about a month away, which means it’s time to start planning your schedule. I’m happy to announce that I’ll again be hosting the evening EUC geek / tech talk / beer / junk food / evening event on Wednesday evening.

We did this last year too—my first year at VMware—and it was a great time. Our thinking is that while VMworld is awesome, it’s also awesome, like, very huge, and it seems like us EUC folk get lost in a sea of a billion vSphere, vCloud, NSX, and vSAN lovers who don’t give a hoot about EUC. (Not that there’s a problem with that. They care about EUC as much as I care about cell phone tower virtualization—it’s cool to hear about, but not my jam.)

So the idea is we reserved a room for a few hours with beer and junk food where everyone who’s interested in EUC can hang out and chat. As part of this, we’ll have some prepared talks, but they will be short, just 15 minutes each. Four folks have reached out to me already, and we have room for two more:

• Andy Morgan, Running Citrix on VMware Cloud on AWS

• Christiaan Brinkhoff, WVD and VMware Horizon

• Johan van Amersfoort, Using the same hardware for VDI in the day, AI/ML processing at night

• Jack Madden, User enrollment in iOS 13

• ??? Something awesome ???

• ??? From you ???

If you want to present a quick topic, shoot me an email ([email protected]) with your idea. You can use your own laptop, you have 15 minutes, and you can talk about whatever you want as long as (1) it relates to EUC, (2) it’s technical, and (3) it’s cool.

One final note: Since this event takes place at the Marriott hotel across the street from the Moscone Center (the main VMworld conference center), you don’t technically need a VMworld pass to come. (But please register for this event so we can get an accurate count for planning purposes.)


EUC Community Tech Talks with Brian Madden

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (we secretly have the room til 8. Shhh!)

Marriott Marquis, Level 2, Room: Foothill C
780 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

If you want to attend, please register here: https://www.vmware.com/learn/309264_REG.html.

See you all in a few weeks!



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